Photo Edit Contest 9

Remus and Krynn, I hate you two so much. I wake up and this thread is here, I have an idea, then Remus beats me! (Aliens) It's ok, I've got another idea, then Krynn beats me! (Xen)

Ah hates you guys. Ah hates you guys like POISON. Now I've gotta think of something else.

You wouldn't last a second on /b/ D:

Shut up about...oh why do I even bother. HAY EVERYBODY 4chan 4chan lolololol
If I had Phototshop, I would make a picture pertaining to both Machine Code and 9,000. You replace the guy's face with the one in MC, show the seismic reading and then depict the guy's reaction indicating that it's over 9,000! Of course even if I did have Photoshop, I don't possess the talent to create such an epic picture so one of you must make my vision come true.

Now go off, young lads!
omg cabbs...hahahaha you rule.

also i love teh one with the guy blowing up the WTC...
I think from now on, every one of my entries is going to somehow include the WTC explosions :P