Photoshop rules!

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
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My and my friend have been working on a photoshop piece for a few hours. He goes to art school so he did the work, but I came up with the ideas and found the artwork. Hope you like it :D.


Sorry for the small size.

We are going to work on more mashups to come. (Alyx + battle sister anyone?)

PS. I in no way claim that I created any of the original artwork used for this picture. All were found on

Edit. What are you going to get me for my annipostery? (Anniversary + post? No? Damn!)
Yeah, didnt realize the upper right bricks looked that horrible. Also, 1 post omg omg.
doesnt fit in as well as the combine head, both detail wise, pose, and lighting. btw i think the striders good as it is. alos i was thinking of putting a light source behind him-lower right , adding som rim lighting and glow.
I think the combine head is worse than gordons, the strider needs to be faded more, its too detailed. Bake the combine's head position more like the original chaos marine's. The lighting is fine also, just get rid of the aliasing where you redid the background.
combine head stays: i like how its sunk into his chest kinda. Also Do you mean fix the part by the brix?
and can you break one of the combine lenses? or at least make them not glow?
Why is Gordon Freeman in a battle suit?
thought it would look cool to put gordon in space marine armor
If his body has normal human anatomy, with his head that size, his feet would be somewhere just below the knees of that armour.
Your point?

Obviously you've never manned a mech suit.
I hate to agree with Vegeta, but he's right.
If his body has normal human anatomy, with his head that size, his feet would be somewhere just below the knees of that armour.

Warhammer power-armour doesn't work that way. Like Vegeta said, think mech suit. The original power suit was designed years ago - in fact, the Space Marines, I think, were one of the first armies made - and it wasn't really made to look realistic as it was a fantasy tabletop game.

Further reading on the armour (specifically, Terminator armour as the Photoshop picture dipicts) -

The pictures you showed could at least house a regular human body. The one with Gordon in it would snap his bones because his joints can't line up with the suits joints.
The pictures you showed could at least house a regular human body. The one with Gordon in it would snap his bones because his joints can't line up with the suits joints.

There's no saying he isn't just a torso in there. Gotta use your imagination!
It's not like he's doing the splits. Space marines only walk or duck, i think Gordon could squeeze in there. Also, his bones might break, but the suit stops him from feeling it. Blended Gordon is still a fighting Gordon.
The pictures you showed could at least house a regular human body. The one with Gordon in it would snap his bones because his joints can't line up with the suits joints.

You need to really understand the way Warhammer is often illustrated to properly see how the soldiers turn out from the models. Proportions are often exagerated, but that's not to say it isn't possible entirely - it's sci-fi fantasy. As Raziaar said, use yer imagination, it's make believe. :P

Like others have said though, have you never seen a mech suit, or anything of the sort? The wearers feet don't have] to align with the robotic limbs - an encasing suit that acts as the divide has all of the robotics and mechanics to do the jobs regular limbs would do whilst protecting the operator. Look at how thick the armour is, too. You think that's just him sitting in there alone? Hell naw, the wearer is built into a whole array of layers of suit.

It woudn't matter where his foot was - the exoskeleton moves according to implants and sensors that are triggered, or even just a slight tap of movement from the limb which could be in the knee cap. Think of it like the Aliens power loader suit. Loader with Ellen Ripley_02.jpg

The operators feet don't match the normal human anatomy, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways for the user to use the feet by use of robotics. Same for the arms, hands...
Holy shit lol, I was actually just joking when I made that comment. I didn't expect this many people, or rather, this many words, to so much further defend the point.
Not that much, really. :P Just some comparisons. Hey, what can I say, I'm a Warhammer nut. :D
Space Marines are genetically altered super soldiers. They all stand 7-8 feet tall and are essentially designed to wear the power armor. Plus this is a world where people can replace pretty much any body part with a cybernetic replacement. I mean, even when a space marine gets his body blown to bits and is essentially dead, they can save him and put him in a "tomb" called the dreadnought and he still fights.


Also, are there supposed to be more pictures than just the one im seeing with gordons head shooped in?
If his body has normal human anatomy, with his head that size, his feet would be somewhere just below the knees of that armour.

I was under the impression that all Space Marine armor was simply an exoskeleton that genetically enhanced humans were placed into- their armor simply replicated the movements and actions the human made with his muscles.


Edit - I guess I'm beating a dead horse.