Phrases That Just Annoy The Heck Out Of You

I hate when people whos first language is English "Ya' know" too often, even a few times in one sentence. Also, I hate the way skinny rapper Snoop Doggy Dog talks. It's like he is constantly drunk.

And those Quebecers who don't know English and call their language "Frech" even though it sounds like a diarrhea of spontaneous sounds.
Loshadka said:
I hate when people whos first language is English "Ya' know" too often, even a few times in one sentence. Also, I hate the way skinny rapper Snoop Doggy Dog talks. It's like he is constantly drunk.

And those Quebecers who don't know English and call their language "Frech" even though it sounds like a diarrhea of spontaneous sounds.
Snoop Dog talks like that because he is a skilless attention whore.
I hate rampant and unchecked grammatical and spelling errors. I can handle the occasional one (Heck, I'm sure I spell things wrong all the time, and I use a more casual sort of grammar), but when you find something like "Helo my naem is Bob and Iam a big fan of Half lIfe to wood ne1 liek a gam of CS?" it really ticks me off. That's an extreme example, but you get the idea...

Oh, and does anyone else here think that "kthnxbye" is one of the most obnoxious ways of ending a conversation possible?
Brian Damage said:
I hate rampant and unchecked grammatical and spelling errors. I can handle the occasional one (Heck, I'm sure I spell things wrong all the time, and I use a more casual sort of grammar), but when you find something like "Helo my naem is Bob and Iam a big fan of Half lIfe to wood ne1 liek a gam of CS?" it really ticks me off. That's an extreme example, but you get the idea...

Oh, and does anyone else here think that "kthnxbye" is one of the most obnoxious way of ending a conversation possible?
Yah that is very annoying
kthxbye gg
DreamThrall said:

haha lmao

We aim provide a community hub where izzall HL2 fans can gather play 'n discuss da game, know what I'm sayin'? We also provide yo' ass wit izzall da daily news, features 'n content yo' ass could ever want." Be sho heezee over izzle forums 'n join da largest HL2 community on da web, know what I'm sayin'?

People from the UK that use the word "bloody" in a sentence improperly, like "Bloody hell!" Well, I guess hell could be bloody, but you get the idea. :naughty:
I thought of some more. It's what those 'Ghetto Smurfs' use:


Basically any word that can be said correctly but for some unknown reason has 1 letter removed. Damn annoying trying to deciepher that stuff.

[EDIT] for definition's of Ghetto Smurfs.
For me it's:

Grammatical Errors (The three theres, your and you're)
Annoying Short forms of words. (u, plz, thx)
Words like lol drive me INSANE.
Lethal8472 said:
People from the UK that use the word "bloody" in a sentence improperly, like "Bloody hell!" Well, I guess hell could be bloody, but you get the idea. :naughty:

Bloody doesn't just mean covered in blood over here...So its not an incorrect use ;)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Bloody doesn't just mean covered in blood over here...So its not an incorrect use ;)
Hey, we invented English so don't tell us how to use it properly.
The Americans invented English? You kidding me? Perhaps I could use that sentence here:

The phrase: "Hey, we invented English" coming from an American is downright annoying :-P

Words like "u", "plz" and those kind of words are just silly to use. Those words are annoying as hell for me, that's for sure!

and lastly, 1337 speaking is nasty nasty shit. I laugh so freakin' hard when people on here do impressions on 1337 speaking people. It's what you'd call: Disgusting, but funny!
Smacktard maybe, but I invented Spacktard (joining Spacker and Retard)

it has to be one of the most non-annoying elitest words in the world. Evar.
Lethal8472 said:
People from the UK that use the word "bloody" in a sentence improperly, like "Bloody hell!" Well, I guess hell could be bloody, but you get the idea. :naughty:
I love it when the say that. And you ca nuse it in front of people, unlike F.

I hate:

"Never assume it makes an ass out of you and me" The next person who says that to me, and looks smug afterwards, I shall destroy :)
Well it'd be pretty hard to function as a human being without making some assumptions, I'd have to say I agree with you to a certain extent on that one...
Foxtrot said:
Hey, we invented English so don't tell us how to use it properly.
Ant Lion Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 1,270

I really, really hope you're kidding with what you said above. Really.
I hate all those slang words that come out of rap and that other shit. It also pisses me off when people can't type properly and they use "u", "teh" "4", and all that other shit.

One other thing that annoys the hell out of me, is southern accents. I can't stand them. Whenever I hear someone speak in a southern accent I just want to tell them "Go learn to talk you redneck"
Brian Damage said:
Well it'd be pretty hard to function as a human being without making some assumptions, I'd have to say I agree with you to a certain extent on that one...
It's just the general stupidness of that phrase that annoys me :p
I hate it when people say, "No". Usually you're supposed to say, Nah, I have something else to do or Sorry I am already busy. When they say just No, to me its just like saying, screw you, I don't have time for you and I don't care about what you need.

Anything else is fine. I love words with izzle, and teh, etc etc. I find them hilarious.
I cannot stand people typing in computer talk. Like "Yo dog, Sup??!! Howz u goin?? Kthxbye i g2g!!!". To me it is just an extreme form of stupidity and laziness. Is it that hard to hit a few more keys? The more you type that way and think the more its starts to become normal for you. Then eventually you will actually start doing that in real life and people will be thinking you need to be put back in elementary school. Or even worse is non-computer people using the words when they just learned them.
i cant stand "kk" or "kthnxbye", its like someones dissmissing you and your nothing to them, quite nasty when i think about it like that...most phrases and words im fine with aslong as it isn't coming out of a lil scally-wags mouth.
"imho" is on the top of my hate list. I also hate having friends that talk with the g2g, ttyl, brbr, omgLOLZXXX, because it makes me want to not socialize with them online. I also hate smilies without a period after the parentheses (It doesn't make the smilies sincere when it's absent).
When I see an ellipsis "..." all by itself. Does it have a meaning when alone?

Also there is the trend in games now, "player@mouse", "player@mp3", "player@mousepad@sens@res@lag" Get rid of the @, no one cares whether you're listening to an mp3 or not!

In real life "'Sup?" does my head in. What's up? What's down, that is the question. Perhaps I'll start replying with that, and look even more of a complete ass :dozey:
dæmon said:
In real life "'Sup?" does my head in. What's up? What's down, that is the question. Perhaps I'll start replying with that, and look even more of a complete ass :dozey:

sup = "what's up on the agenda today?" (term coined during a meeting).

no-one in their right mind would say that in everyday speech, so i guess it got simplyfied to "what's up", and then even further (by kids/rappers/media people) to "sup".

but...i can see people on these boards actively trying to curb their 'annoying' use of language after reading this thread :LOL: ;)
Well, i reckon i know what yall are talkin about. Last week it was so annoying listening to these young kids babblin that hippity hopp, i mean my god it seemed they aint learned how to talk properly like us normal folks.
(brb, g2g, rotfl, lol, omg, such and such)
(really - realli, rele, you - u, two/to/too - 2, for - 4, using 3's for e's)
ANY 1337 speak
(this inclues, -x0r, -z0rz, and pwned)
Smileys in MSN names/long poems or phrases in msn names
(not really a phrase but still pisses the hell out of me)

Contractions are fine with me.
Abom said:
Ant Lion Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 1,270

I really, really hope you're kidding with what you said above. Really.
Haha, I was kidding of course. That is why it is called English instead of Amerishica.....whatever.
oh yeah, one thing that annoys me, is people with msn names that are either just attention seeking or just plain idiotic, or showing off how many mates they have like : "Hey, Sam, joo r leet0r, <Hehe> [CS 4eva]" or something pathetic like that.
i dont have a problem with lyrics or anything, aslong as they help the person viewing your name to the mood your in.
"You know" is also quite distrurbing. Just check the video interview from E3 this year with Doug Lombardi. "You know" in practically 95% of ALL sentences...

Otherwise I find most English & American expressions quite fresh & almost needed. Maybe it's because I find Sweden so boring :(

Yo, like man I wanna c what y'all doin bcos your ghey lolll tbh like u just no tht ur jus you know stoopid haxzor rele idiot kk kthxbye


Wow, an incredibly annoying sentence that doesn't actual convey any information or desire for information at all. To think it took me years to learn what most AOL weirdos learn in seconds...

Anybody who says "yeah" or "blah" or "what" repeatedly just to interrupt you or brush you off. Not exactly phrases, but they're certainly annoying.

I also don't like any song I can't sing along to. *hint hint*

Oh, and people who persist in calling police officers "pigs". Kindly go and stick your head in a furnace.

i hate it when people call me boss

"can i help you boss" "yes boss" "thanx boss" ahhhg silly foools
Anything typed in UPPERCASE by people that have yet to discover the caps lock key - and anything containing numbers instead of letters.

'OMFG IR 13370R TH4N J00!!!!!!11111'

That's nice, now kindly FOAD.