
Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
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So I have a reoccurring back problem that visits me occasionally within a few years. This has been an ongoing issue for about a decade.

First of all, I am an avid exerciser. I have been going from amature serious to casual exercising within a period of about 5-6 years.

Let me describe this current rendition of the back problem that I am now facing.

If I run, after a while, my lower back (feels like a muscle pain) will ache so much that it will stop me from running. The feeling is that my upper body is actually too heavy and it will snap off by my upper body tilting backwards. The pain will be concentrated to one side and the middle of the lower back.

When I suspend myself and remove all muscular support from my hip and back area, I feel a very excruciating pain on my lower back, very similar to a feeling you get when you feel the need to crack something (fingers, back, neck, but extremely amplified).

Also, I have issues with my feet and the neck of my leg, but this is most likely due to my severe flat feet.

What is your diagnosis?
Now, if there is a ounce of wisdom I've learned from, its that the internet is a great source for all real life problems.
Get a back message. It's likely that you've strained your back muscles continuously over the years, and they're rebelling. Just get a back message, and when someone presses on the spot that hurts, and rubs it, suck it up, bite your wallet or something. I had the same deal, and now I get back messages regularly to keep it from hurting. It really does wonders.
I'm no expert by any means, but this sounds like a slipped disc or another similar spinal injury. So, I'm echoing what Dalamari says.
Get a back message. It's likely that you've strained your back muscles continuously over the years, and they're rebelling. Just get a back message, and when someone presses on the spot that hurts, and rubs it, suck it up, bite your wallet or something. I had the same deal, and now I get back messages regularly to keep it from hurting. It really does wonders.

Yeah a nice back message should do the trick.

^ focking lol

take advil until you can see a doctor. if it's serious enough you'll get a MRI and will probably get to the bottom of it.
It sounds like a pretty textbook herniated disc, the most common back injury. If it's been going on for more than a few months there is a good chance that you will have lifelong back problems. If it was a sudden onset thing, then you should take it easy for a while and it might fix itself.

First off, stop stressing your back, no stooping and lifting things. No 200 lb squats. Basically, don't put weight on your spine. Second, increase your core strength. Not just your ab strength. There is a lot of literature on core exercises. Third, try stretching out your back. There are a lot of exercises, basically they all boil down to applying tension to the disc to suck it back into place. Lastly, get a physio and a referral to an MRI scan if you can afford it.
