Physics laggy...


Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
On every CS:S server I've been on the physics have been laggy. After shooting a barrel, a half-second may pass before it moves.

Am I a retard, or have you guys been experiencing the same thing?

I'm doubting option number 1 because I play on a T1... ;)
Yeah Cyperious, you're right. I'm not sure why it does this. I had at first thought the lag was due to the server I was connected to, but after experimenting, I see that this takes place on LAN servers as well.

Granted, when you're in the middle of a firefight, you don't notice it at all, but I'm a perfectionist and these little things bug me. Again though, this is due entirely to the server-side physics system, and won't problematic in HL2.

Another thing to note is that only server-side physical objects lag, and not all the time. Sometimes you'll shoot a barrel and the lag is quite obvious, and other times it's near imperceptible.

And for all the smaller objects whose physics calculations are done client-side, there's no lag whatsoever.

I cant stand it when im playing a game and the screen shakes every 30 seconds. I'll be running and hiding from an enemy then the screen will start to shake.. next thing i know im dead lying on the ground while everyone else is moving fine..

its frustrating the hell out of me!

BTW: I know its not me thats lagging because i have a ping of about 70 and a fps of 35.
Not sure when you played last, but I think what you're referring to is the "Shake" console command. Before CS:S was patched yesterday, any player on any server could type "shake" into the console and everyone would feel a short rumble.

Anyway, this has been fixed and the command is no longer available.

Barrels never lag for me. I went to several servers and tried it, and there's no delay when people or I shoot them. Just one smooth continuous physics reaction. I know a couple people who are having the lagged barrel problem though. Apparently it only effects some people, and i'm not entirely sure why.
Cyperious said:
I'm doubting option number 1 because I play on a T1... ;)

T1's aren't fast anymore, they might have fast upload, but my download is up to par, if not faster than most I've seen around.