Physics Question

I wish everyone woulds top all this talk of physics, i just had my physics exam today.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
I wish everyone woulds top all this talk of physics, i just had my physics exam today.


I wish certain individuals would stop calling Gordon Gordan...
Next time someone does that i'll probably go insane or kill myself or something...
I think it would be fun.. immagine ou and alyx need to cross a gap over a weak wooden plank that can only support the weight of one person. so if you both go on the wood @ once then the wood will brake. I wonder if this is the same with non armored glass. because I havnt seen anything made off glass shatter.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
I wish everyone woulds top all this talk of physics, i just had my physics exam today.

me too :) was easy..... asked questions about which I knew (I didn't revise transformers) :p

and since Valve didn't actually code the physics seems doubtful that anything will have changed since May...

'After September 2002 Valve "Cut anything that wasn't be used in Half-Life 3"'
well, it should be fun to fool, those striders. I haven't seen one of them die yet, so possibly the only way to get rid of them would be to trick them...

It would be good it you could knock out it's legs and make it fall over... oh the possiblities...
maby teying a large thick and firm rope between two buildings.

It should look soo cool seeing the strider falling down crashing against another bruilding and panicing.

or shooting off a sewer lid and pusihing a wooden board ontop of it and then luering the strider towards you so that it stands with one lagg on the wooden board en then.. krr..kkrrkkkARCK.. and he gets totally stuck ^^
or take a harpon with a rope and shoot him in one off the legs. then you just run around him till he cant move his feet and fall over:cheers: (Like in that Star Wars film, when he takes down that AT AT...dont remember wich)