Physics respawn zones?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Suppose an object falls out of the map...

How do you get it to respawn at it's origin if it leaves the playing area?

Doesn't DM_Avalon have something like that to prevent pbjects from sitting down on the skybox?

Trigger_multiple to detect when the object's fallen out of the map; point_teleport to bring it back to its starting location.

Skyboxes are evil. Mappers should make skies the real way.
Raeven0 said:
Trigger_multiple to detect when the object's fallen out of the map; point_teleport to bring it back to its starting location.

Skyboxes are evil. Mappers should make skies the real way.

The real way? Explain please
Well, if by "skybox" you mean a hollow box placed around the map to prevent leaks, then the real way is to use sky brushes to seal the map (in the same way a ceiling or a wall seals the map); otherwise, the unneeded Outside of the map is compiled into the BSP.

Our friends at Valve now say 3D skybox and 2D skybox, though... I make a motion we refer to valid skies as "skies" and leak prevention boxes as "skyboxes" to avoid confusion.
actually, you should find that if you have a prop_physics_respawnable if it is moved out of its area for a certain amount of time and is inactive (not picked up/touched etc) it should repawn back to it's original loation anyway
Ah, yeah, thanks.

Does it waste resources at all then to make things like barrels props_physics_respawnable?

...however, I won't be wanting things like tables and debris to always respawn... just things that have been thrown out of the playing areas. :O

Trigger_multiple to detect when the object's fallen out of the map; point_teleport to bring it back to its starting location.

Can you explain what you mean? Do you mean surround the map with triggers that are linked to point_teleport entities?
You place a block in every place you'd like the prop to respawn from, tie all the blocks to a trigger_multiple, set up its flags and filter such that the prop in question can trigger it, then give it this output:

output OnTrigger
target returntele1
input Teleport

Then, a point_teleport named returntele1 with its "Teleport Home" flag checked. Should work...
Ok, I set up the rig, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I threw a barrel into the trigger and it didn't respawn.

I made a huge trigger_multiple, gave it the tools>trigger texture, disabled Clients flag, enabled the Physics Objects flag, adjusted the outputs according to:

output OnTrigger
target returntele1
input Teleport

- as well as a delay of 5.00 seconds.
And you have a point_teleport named returntele1 that's set to teleport the prop in question?
Strange. It works fine for me.

Potential problem: you'd need a point_teleport for every one of your props, as well as a logic_case allowing the appropriate prop to be teleported...
EVERY physics prop needs a point_teleport??

There are about 100 of them :O
Good luck :P

You might consider making a new instance of the prop with an OnBreak-firing-point_template output, but that'd require setting up a point_template and output for all of your 100 props.

Or just make the outer areas of the map inaccessible to props. :P
I tried and tried, but I couldn't get the system working. Objects fall out of the map, through the trigger n' everything, and nothing happens.

Can someone setup a test rig?
It's been a couple of months, so by now I've played avalon and can say that there's a trigger_teleport brush under the map that teleports everything to an info_target at the top.