Pic on front page of yahoo: fat breast-feeding chick...

omg...thnx a lot... useless rubbish---i have no appetite now :hmph:
umm, the breast feeding one i can handle, but what the hell is the other guy doing... shooting up?
wtf is the point in this? Fat people Breast feeding duos is not what I wanted to see today.

on a unrelated topic, id just like to ask y the heck there are so many spam threads going around. its like a bug.
im not saying who it was
Woman! Get in the KITCHEN!
I hate it when my biznatch is not in the kitchen damnit!
im not saying who it was
Women are great!
I feel great!
We're rushing off to making babies!
Everything is great!!
im not saying who it was
There's 22 users online and nobody is doing anything...
I'm bored, restless...everything!
I got to school 2 hours earlier than I had to! I hate myself...

I mean- in 1 hour I have been online I have seen 3 posts locked. What’s going on?
I think Frank and Coolio got into Yahoo :)

I'll shoot up to that! :smoking:
breast feeding is natural... stop moaning... :/
Ya thats not disgusting. If she were totally naked and you could see her rolls of fat and sweat, then it would be disgusting.

Like MaTT said, its natural.
yeah that's not such a bad photo, really. it's just natural. who cares if she's fat, she's doin' something motherly

heh i'll drink to that ...


it's the... twins... and... the twins...

okay okay i'm done now. but yeah, nothin wrong with the pic.