Pics of my trip :O (56 warning)

I was going to try to figure out which one is Jellyworld...but they are ALL holding cameras. I figured since he took so many pictures he would have his camera out...but he wasn't the only one taking plenty of pictures apparently.
Hey. In that guys pic. That guy thats on the ground at the very bottom of the pic. That's a pretty cute guy. Almost looks like a girl. :E
Glirk Dient said:
I was going to try to figure out which one is Jellyworld...but they are ALL holding cameras. I figured since he took so many pictures he would have his camera out...but he wasn't the only one taking plenty of pictures apparently.
I only took 301 pictures :/
JellyWorld said:
I only took 301 pictures :/

I took about 300-400 on my trip. I was able to take like 1200 more. LOL
I love how the caption reads "a big rock", and there's all these bussiness men looking guys standing around as if preturbed by it.

I love the omni-present CCTVs of Tiananmen square.
If I went to China, I would wear a hat and long coat, with thick sunglasses and pretend to read a newspaper, stopping periodically to whisper into my collar and
and be overtly inconspicuous when a camera is looking at me.

Mao is a sexah beast
JellyWorld said:
Lol that's my math teacher :flame: Don't traumatize me for life.
^^ I'd hit it


China is a really different experience (even for other Asian countries like Singapore), Looks like you had a good time!

I saw an unconscience woman being put into a policevan in Tiananmen Square last time I went :O