Pictures of my sword! :D

HunterSeeker said:

Well its kind pointless, allthough i did read it. It all comes down to who is the better master of himself. I dont care if the samurai had a blade of grass as a weapon, if he is the better master he will win.

Being that I have been trained in Taijutsu I do believe that Japan was far more advanced in the arts of un-armed combat.

But as we started, and I quote from your source,

"As a sword, the Japanese katana is unmatched in its sharpness and cutting power. Furthermore, it is particularly good at cutting against metal."
Yakuza said:
Well its kind pointless, allthough i did read it. It all comes down to who is the better master of himself. I dont care if the samurai had a blade of grass as a weapon, if he is the better master he will win.

Being that I have been trained in Taijutsu I do believe that Japan was far more advanced in the arts of un-armed combat.

All Japanese martial arts come from China at some point, as they were that impressed with China's superior skill and ability.
Not sure if someone brought this up....but imagine if you were getting robbed and you grabbed the sword, walked out of your room twirling it around..looking as if you knew what you were doing...haha, that would get those guys out of there fast I bet.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Sorry I havnt replied..

I looked out the window and saw this:

Then I ran arround the house unplugging everything. :p
Then I came back to the computer and realised that their had been a power surge and it had restarted itself.... THEN the power switched off in the house...

Then I unplugged the computer and backed away slowly...... :O

So....what is it exactly you saw?

I don't understand it....UFOs? Or lightning?
Baal said:
Not sure if someone brought this up....but imagine if you were getting robbed and you grabbed the sword, walked out of your room twirling it around..looking as if you knew what you were doing...haha, that would get those guys out of there fast I bet.
What if they had a gun? heh, otherwise....yeah dead.
Heh one of my friends has that exact sword, hes into martial arts and stuff, i was holding his sword and messing around with it and he grabs it and cuts his thumb open hehe dumbass
I've been meaning to have a go at making a sword of my own for a while now. I want to see if I can do it with equipment that'd be considered... "non-standard"...
Brian Damage said:
I've been meaning to have a go at making a sword of my own for a while now. I want to see if I can do it with equipment that'd be considered... "non-standard"...
you know brian, you really really really suck.

I swear, I'm gonna stab you one day.
Cool Sword--too bad the "me and my sword pic thingie" did'nt have you in it. :D

C'mon, I wanna see the warrior! :D

Cool looking sword tho--seems other people are making wierd comments because they feel threatened someone got a cool looking weapon.

My advision: By a wooden practise sword now--and practise its use. Develop your own methods, but then seek professional assistance with the use of your weapon. :D
heres my sword:


Duh duh duhhhh (music from kill bill)

You're limbs are MINE!
Brian Damage said:


Let's just say it's not the traditional swordsmith's equipment...
a rock and a lighter, right? oh, and that ever so necessary hint of imagination.
CyberSh33p said:
a rock and a lighter, right? oh, and that ever so necessary hint of imagination.

Aaaaactually, it's more like a circular lump of iron weighing about 30lbs for the "anvil", a sturdy hammer, and a fresnal lense.
Now, that is a KICK ASS sword! You made it entirely yourself?
Farrowlesparrow said:
My brother has one of them...Only its not so fancy, its just got a plain leather case. It was used in world war two, and given to my grandfather when the owner died...

...that or he bought it off ebay, I can never remember

it was used by the nepalese honor guard: The Ghurkas.

I too have a plain leather case ...a friend of mine bought it for $4 in nepal a few years back and gave it to me as a present
CptStern said:
it was used by the nepalese honor guard: The Ghurkas.

I too have a plain leather case ...a friend of mine bought it for $4 in nepal a few years back and gave it to me as a present

How can you tell from what he said. Its my understanding the samurai swords were mass-poduced in ww2. All of them being pretty basic in design complete with their cheap leather cases.
it was used to decapitate ...not the one in the pic, but the larger one
European swords where made for internal damage = big and heavy, cause European knights wore heavy armour cuase tehy where always attacked from multiple directions. In Japan the lighter swords could be used becasue most soldiers wore lighter leather/bamboo/chainmail, since the style of combat for samari knights was, get into the fray, find and oponent and fight one on one, no back stabbing and dishonerabl things like that (e.g. guns). Armour was mostly for protection against arrows. The only thing that could really stop a Japanese sword was another Japanese sword.