Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

You must be pretty small Raz, that name tag and Coffee table look huge compared to you!
F*ck you, Arthur. If you weren't my sister's cat I would have skinned you alive and burned you at the stake long ago.

To tell you the truth I love him. Chilled with him from the moment he was born till he grew up. Whenever I go to my dad's every other weekend he'll come into my room when I'm in bed and rub against my head trying to play with me. Eventually he gets bored and lies next to me. F*cking impossible to move even an inch without him getting up and wanting to play though.
Is that part of a pink lava lamp in the background?
You know why? That cup contains virgin's blood. And liquidised babies. And the tears of nuns.
He looks like he's going to make everyone disappear - or be frozen in time forever.
That Jurassic park sign looks like it's a giant, oddly shaped, chocolate Tim Tam...
I remember visiting the Jurassic Park area in Universal Studios Florida. Man, I had to sit behind this big black lady when we were on the rafting ride. T-Rex busted through the wall and she almost had a heart attack. Then we hit that huge drop, where the ride makes the huge splash and she almost had another heart attack. Good times.
The theme was Disney, and I am The Cryogenically Frozen Head Of Walt Disney. More obvious if you could see the cool-ass pipe that's snaking out the back of the headpiece.

That's not a picture of yourself, it's a screenshot showing how witty you think you are.
It belongs in here and **** you it's funny.

There's a picture of him in it.
Your attempts to flatter ZT after yelling at him are pathetic.
Great costume, Sulk. A perfect retaliation for a party with a theme as lame as "Disney." I might have toned down the mustache a bit though. I only associate that look with Mario.

Your attempts to flatter ZT after yelling at him are pathetic.

If someone gets yelled at on the Internet, they can't hear it anyway.
Is ZT the Fonz?

Oh, Jim Carey, I guess they look the same in 15x15 pixel form.

15x15... man you don't know your pixel sizes very well. Just looking at it I can tell it's about twice that.
His face and clothes don't fill up the entire 30x30.

****, my eagerness to assert my superior pixel knowledge has caused me great anguish.
I might have toned down the mustache a bit though. I only associate that look with Mario.
Oh, for sure - I had some moustaches that looked more like his, but they were all adhesive, and wouldn't stay on in the hot and sweat environment inside that confounded cardboard contraption. The bushy moustache clipped on between the nostrils and so could actually be maintained. It also had another handy function: if the blue cellophane got too misted up, I could wipe it clean with the moustache from inside.
Oh, for sure - I had some moustaches that looked more like his, but they were all adhesive, and wouldn't stay on in the hot and sweat environment inside that confounded cardboard contraption. The bushy moustache clipped on between the nostrils and so could actually be maintained. It also had another handy function: if the blue cellophane got too misted up, I could wipe it clean with the moustache from inside.

Ah. Clever [strike]girl[/strike].
The sight of Sulkdodds rubbing his moustache all over a sweaty sheet of cellophane is...

...Somehow liberating.
I hate people like that - the topic starter. No one cares about your woes on facebook, talk to your friends who care, not everyone else god dammit.
A few weeks ago a new batch of students arrived to the dormitory/student house I live in. Among them were three Japanese girls which always stick together and consult each other before they speak. One day I walked into the common kitchen and two of them were sitting there in these suits. I didn't even bother to ask why. They're Japanese after all.
