Pictures (Version: Camera Whores Tuesday Nov 15)


Yeah, that's right. My wife hates me.
Actually, I have no pics of me on the net. Its because I will be world famous soon, and everyone will be like "omgzors I know you from teh intrawebzz!!" And I will have to be like "Grawrrr you smell bad please eat that hot dog while I make my escape!!". Seriously, it will happen like 15 times a day.
At school! Furthest to the right!

Furthest to the left! We was trippin offa Codine. DRRRUGGGIES!


I use my girlfriend's old backpack to cover for my 'even' days, I have 'even' day binders and 'odd' day ones.. so, I am so lazy to swap them out all the time... so I stole my GF's bag.

My school runs on block schedule. Up to 8 classes.
Heh, long beach must have a lot of sun. You guys are all tan.

This is my "What the deuce did you just say?" picture.