Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

is there a way to start the game without steam? I have the HL2 originial cd, but i get so mutch more fps out of the game when using the ripped verision :p cant u just typ something in the shortcut?
this'll be in multiplayer? cool :D

hey thequartz, a que te refieres cuando dice en el console "AVER QUE PASA AQUI"? :D
Omfg this will be ownage in multiplayer. Keep it both SP and MP though. And hey... While you're on it; Make some singleplayer maps with missions. Ownage.

Great job!

I have a few small suggestions on control... I meant to write these out when I asked for the gunship a while back hehehe. Have the Helicopter fly like BF: Vietnam or, better yet, the Battlefield 1942 mod "Desert Combat". This is how they work:

1) • Forward / Back = Pitch down / Pitch up
2) • Left / Right = Roll left / Roll right
3) • Twist Left / Right = Rudder (turn) left / right
4) • Throttle Up / Down = Collective power up / down
5) • Primary Fire = Primary attack
6) • Secondary Fire = Secondary attack

Variations on 3. For those Joysticks without twist on the handle, 'A' and 'D' could easily be used instead.

Variations on 4. Collective power up/down means the blades turn faster or slower, the faster they move the more thrust. So if you want to go up you turn it up, if you want to hover you go about the middle, if you want to slowly descend you go a little below hover, and to drop fast go all the way down. This can take a little getting used to, BUT it is VERY responsive once learned. Desert Combat and Desert Combat Extended (DCX) are both great examples of this (both are free Battlefield 1942 mods).

Other options are an On/Off method, where the propellers are either on or off.

And yet another example is from Battlefield: Vietnam. This system is similar, but more "firm". When using the Keyboard for the collective:

W = UP
No Input = HOVER

This is very easy to learn and use, but not as responsive.


Very similar to the above, but instead using a Mouse/Keyboard combo:

1) • Mouse Forward / Back = Pitch down / Pitch up
2) • Mouse Left / Right = Roll left / Roll right
3) • 'A' / 'D' = Rudder (turn) left / right
4) • 'W' / 'S' = Collective power up / down
5) • Mouse 1 = Primary attack
6) • Mouse 2 = Secondary attack

Anyhow, I think the above systems would make the Helo VERY responsive, and with a little practice, very deadly and accurate.

Synth Gunship

This one is a little harder because of the head, but I think if Mouse 2 was used as a "Mouse Freelook" it could be done.

1) • Mouse Forward / Back = Pitch down / Pitch up
2) • Mouse Left / Right = Roll left / Roll right
3) • 'A' / 'D' = Rudder (turn) left / right
4) • 'W' / 'S' = Collective power up / down
5) • Mouse 1 = Primary attack
6) • Mouse 2 = Freelook
7) • Shift = Throttle on (to make the ship move forward)
8) • Spacebar = Belly Cannon

With 4. you would want the system to be a "no input = hover" setup--you don't want it falling out of the sky and bobbing up and down! The player could select their height, and move from there. This would be great for hovering in one place and shooting or picking an altitude and patrolling.

The benefit of the above control setup would be with this is that at any time the cannon could be moved and adjusted with a click of a botton--this way they entire ship would not need to be moved to aim, you could move the head to shoot just like the real Synth Gunship does.

Similar idea with the joystick, less the pitch up/down and roll left/right would be the freelook control and the seconard fire would be the button.

I know the Gunship controls idea is not perfect. Having to control the Gunship in 3D space, like a helo, uses a lot of input. Another simpler idea:

1) • Mouse Forward / Back = Head Gun Up / Down
2) • Mouse Left / Right = Head Gun Left / Right
3) • 'A' / 'D' = Rudder (turn) left / right
4) • 'W' / 'S' = Elevate up / down
5) • Mouse 1 = Primary attack
6) • Mouse 2 = Belly Cannon
7) • Shift = Throttle on (thrust to move)

While the player would lose some control, this would be a pretty easy to use setup. To make it 'feel' more like the game, maybe the momentum of the ship could make it sway, especially with the head--if you turn left and look left maybe the entire ship would twist???

Neither of these are perfect--maybe some of the other forum members here could also help brainstorm some ideas on how to make the Gunship work properly.

TheQuartz, THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR GREAT MOD!! Keey up the gret work! I am really enjoying your work, as is the rest of the community!
Evil^Milk said:
this'll be in multiplayer? cool :D

hey thequartz, a que te refieres cuando dice en el console "AVER QUE PASA AQUI"? :D

Pues es un Warning dentro del codigo CAI_BaseNPC que se me ha olvidado quitar :) . El codigo del strider son 5000 lineas de codigo y encima es una subclase de la clase base NPC, que ademas hay que trazar tambien, y como a veces no se cuando las llama... pues tengo que poner por ahi Warnings para ver que pasa. (Sorry for the spanish).
Good job amigo,

Is it possible to make the strider move faster?
TheQuartz said:
El codigo del strider son 5000 lineas de codigo y encima es una subclase de la clase base NPC, que ademas hay que trazar tambien, y como a veces no se cuando las llama

Oh my, just exactly how much programming knowledge is required to make a rideable strider?

I took C++ in high school and Java in college, would I be better off sticking to mapping? :)
Well, i'm System engineer. The code of half life 2 SDK is very clean and easy. You can understand all if you spend some time in it.
So I need Visual C++ .NET 2003 ($109) to get started....

Is there a freeware version or some other cheaper alternative? :)
Quartz, I have a couple of suggestions. On the strider, the part where the gun is mounted-I think you should make that move with the mouse, so that the gun isn't always pointing straight forward. And of course give the mouse a limited range of movement. I shouldnt be able to shoot straight behind me.

Also, I think the whole thing would look better if you modeled and implemented a cockpit for the player to sit in that would represent the inside of the strider. Would give it a great atmosphere. Floating a couple of feet above the top of the strider kind of takes away from the whole experience.

I also think you should put in a cockpit for the chopper...or any other vehicle you intend to make drivable.

Other than that, awesome job. As soon as I knew there was going to be a strider I was hoping someone would mod in a drivable on =)
So, quartz is it possible for you to create Dog mod? I've heard it's pretty impossible since Dog is scripted and not controlled by AI.
Great job on the mod. My suggestions for a future version are to fix the bug that crashes the game when you try to kill the strider, make a HUD for the strider and make the helicopter controls more realistic as Acert93 has said. The helicopter is kind of jumpy and crude when you fly it. Also, it clips through the ground when you get close to it. The strider controls and feel are very good, however.

I would also suggest making the strider's guns move when you aim and limit their movement to a forward-facing cone. This isn't too important though if it requires a lot of work.

One kind of funny thing I noticed is that while you can't kill allies such as alyx with your own weapons, you can get into the strider and kill them with the strider's weapons. :)

Excellent job so far and good luck with future versions! :)
You are doing a great job mate, some of the suggestions made would be great but though.

You are doing a great job.

I hate a suggestion, make the helicoppeters cannon more powerful, i feel like its shooting peas