Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2 Screenshots


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all !!. I'm finishing now the second version of the Pilotable Strider Mod.

You can see eight screenshots here:


Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2 will be released this week.

Thanks to all!!
WTF this is the mod that fuked up my steam and ive been trying to fix it for 13 days now !?!?!?!!

beware of steam crashing and mssing up steam, and you have to redownload steam. BUT i still havent got my steam back up since sinc ei tried to install v.01
I'm sorry Skater. Why crash? hundred of people download this mod and nobody have problems with steam. You're the first person i know.
skater4evr5 said:
WTF this is the mod that fuked up my steam and ive been trying to fix it for 13 days now !?!?!?!!

beware of steam crashing and mssing up steam, and you have to redownload steam. BUT i still havent got my steam back up since sinc ei tried to install v.01

Do ellaborate.

Very promising Mod by the way, TheQuartz. Thanks.
Great work on the mod, hopefully no one will make fun your of your English this time... :|
Wow that looks sweet, way better then version 1 :thumbs:
Muy bien con su proyecto Quartz.

Yo quiero hablar en su foros, pero mi espanol es mas o menos caca. Most of the time.
Will I be able to put a pilotable strider into building blocks?
Just a thought, but for MP it might be nice if the cannon thingy it fired had the laser dot the rocket launcher has, meaning folks atleast had a bit of time to get out the way :)
very impressive
looks more like a 'real' vehicle-style strider, rather than just giving the guy entity commands or whatever it was in the first one
Looks pretty good. Is there a way to make some sort of HUD that appears when you are in the strider? That would be cool to see an alien-like interface in front of you while you are in it.
This mod has real potential - keep up the good work Quartz.

I'd like to see a HUD as well. Have the Combine been 're-tuned' to attack you when in the Strider, or do they still see you as the 'enemy'? I haven't tried version 1 yet. It would be interesting to see a friendly Strider vs bad Strider battle in 'Follow Freeman'.

Excellent stuff.
Raawr said:
This is gone be sweet
Can't wait! When should we expect a release? Also, will there be a console command to spawn one? And you will be able to get into it by going under it and pressing E, right?
Dracarys said:
Can't wait! When should we expect a release? Also, will there be a console command to spawn one? And you will be able to get into it by going under it and pressing E, right?

please RTFA
and your grammar sucks ;)

This mod looks incredible! I am going to starting mapping in a couple of days once i am at home and i would love to make some maps to investigate the potential of the strider :)
That looks really cool, I would wanna go through some HL2 maps as a strider!

That's sweet you got the feet killings to work :D Does it do the stab animation and all?
Reaperman said:
didnt you go to second grade?

0.2 = 0.20 = 20/100 = 20%

Heh, wrong. The version number does not indicate the percentage done, the final beta version may be 0.3, or 0.9, ect. Once he declares it non-beta, it will be given a version number of 1.0 (typically) whether the version is 0.3 or 0.9.