Pimp your current WIP's!

Jul 19, 2003
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Here's a map i'm messing about with. It's based on the anime Naruto. Every texture is custom apart from the sky and grass. That's the good thing about doing a map based on a cartoon - the textures don't need to be too detailed.

I wish Valve would hurry with the final SDK, I really need to be able to insert models, especially for the pipes on the roof.

Also, does anyone know the command to get rid of the HUD + weapon?


Heh, looks interesting.

I don't know about getting rid of the hud, but when you want to take screenshots of your map you could always load it up in hl2, where you don't have any weapons or a hazard suit.
Awesome. Do you mind giving us some more pics. It's really good.
impulse 200 - removes weapon model
cl_drawhud 0 - removes HUD
Thanks JimmehH. I started the house from scratch to make it align to the grid a lot better. Only 50 more different styles of house to go....

wow that's sexy.

keep up the good work, man
Looks very good, cant wait to play it. Maybe try out cell shading? Maybe it will add a good effect?
Wow, that really looks like Anime somehow :) interesting.
These are some screens of my second map, dm_industry2. Its part of a SP mod im making, set a few hours after the first map (dm_industry) The combine assault has left the warehouse district destroyed, the Combine then realise the resources in the ground are too high to just mine and remove so a citadel is created to mine the resources directly.

The citadel is only there because it can be, Raising the bar says that One second there was scenery, the next a huge explosion and the citadel was there, teleportation on huge scale!


Theres a few bugs left to go, major one being lag...again, the fps can drop to as low as 10 when looking in a certain direction at a certain distance.
Suggestion: I see that some textures are obvious to see when are tiles so I thought maybe if you made a texture with alpha map, maybe you would be able to remove tiling effect by painting it? But yes, map looks really great! Really anime like!
Heres some screenshots of my current map, its barely even alpha right now so I wouldn't judge too much quite yet. Most of the layout is there anyway, and its hl2dm.

View of the east side

The parking garage

Inside of a rebel controlled building

1st floor of another rebel building

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

4th floor security camera view


Inside of the combine controlled warehouse

Its a map built around tdm but it will also be able to do plain dm (thanks keved). It'll take place somewhere inside city17 so there will be a 3d skybox instead of that orange wall. Still not quite sure on how I'm going to block the roads. The name of the map is supposed to be dm_pg but I must have mistyped and hit "K" instead. That big chunk of wall that comes out toward the parking garage will be a big building of somesort. Maybe a mall or really big office comlex. Input would be nice.
Limpet, I really like it so far! Maybe for the garage you should make floors a bit sloped just like in real ones... otherway, i dont see how cars would get up the floors. Other then that I think it will be a fun map to play!
Ardoramor said:
Limpet, I really like it so far! Maybe for the garage you should make floors a bit sloped just like in real ones... otherway, i dont see how cars would get up the floors. Other then that I think it will be a fun map to play!

Well I was working on an external ramp that shaped like a spiral, I don't believe they use them in the US. I got the idea on a recent trip to Thailand and thats how the majority are built there. I thought it'd be easy to make too but I spent about a week working on just that and didnt get anywhere. So I figured I'd finish the rest and get back too it.


If you look on the right (east) side of it, you can see a section of the 1st floor wall is missing, thats where its supposed to go.

Anyone know how to make spirals in hammer? I can't use XSI at all so thats not really an option right now.

Thanks for the support Ardoramor :cheers:

Also a note to anyone who notices the fps that I'm getting. I got a geforce4 420 so if you see a number thats over 30 thats good.
Limpet said:
Well I was working on an external ramp that shaped like a spiral, I don't believe they use them in the US. I got the idea on a recent trip to Thailand and thats how the majority are built there. I thought it'd be easy to make too but I spent about a week working on just that and didnt get anywhere. So I figured I'd finish the rest and get back too it.

You mean like the one in GTA: Vice City? Like a spiral staircase. This would be pretty hard to make in hammer, but possible.
I love that naruto map. It looks like it's going to stay true to the anime pretty well :). Just make sure you don't take weeks off from making it at a time!

Anyway, my map is De_Faceless, or De_Corporation (working title - Sucks)
Here are a few screens (I really need to get rid of thise silver fingernails and stuff):

Still working on it, and will post better screens when I get them :P
You can use the arch tool to make spiral staircases. It is easy peasy.
I haven't played any of the GTA games so I went looking for a pic.
http://www.ci.danville.ky.us/apps/galleries/Parking Design/thumbs/Parking Design15.jpg
Something like that except that it connects to the same side of the building. So, basically its a "U" with one end on one level and the other on the one above or below it.

Mess, I don't know how to use the arch tool at all. I'll mess with it on my own, but if you could tell me what to do that'd be great :D
Well, I dont know how you will go about making it in XSI or Hammer but if you want to, I can make it in Max... I just dont know how to export yet but I have the tools.
Ardoramor said:
Well, I dont know how you will go about making it in XSI or Hammer but if you want to, I can make it in Max... I just dont know how to export yet but I have the tools.

Thats what all of the caparks in GTA:SA have ;)

I hate compiling, takes so fcken long
Ardoramor said:
Well, I dont know how you will go about making it in XSI or Hammer but if you want to, I can make it in Max... I just dont know how to export yet but I have the tools.
That'd be good too, but I'd prefer a prefab of somesort. I'd have more control of the looks then.
None :)

It's for <CENSORED>, a game where you <CENSORED> with <CENSORED> in a world of <CENSORED> and <CENSORED>. Hope that clears things up.