Ping ok, incredible amount of loss

Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
On CS: Source, on every server, my ping stays between 20 - 50, but I have a huge amount of loss in my net_graph, usually 20+, rendering the game unplayable. Anyone know what might cause that? I think it only started happening after I updated steam to the beta version of the new interface, could that be causing it? Thanks.
That would be an unlikely reason, have you tried validating your CSS files incase theres some corruption there. Also do you have an tweaks or config files (an autoexec) when you run CSS to optimise its performance? You may have some commands which are increasing loss, or something along those lines.
To my knowledge, I haven't added any lines that would change loss (unless some nasty admin did it). I'll try validating my CSS files now.
Ok, I've validated my CS Source files and the problem is still there. For some reason, the new steam interface has disappeared also. This is damn annoying, other games work fine.