Ping Pong?


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Does anyone else here play ping pong? What style of ping pong do you play?(hand shake or pen grip) How long have you been playing? On a scale of 1-10, 1= beginner n00b, 10 = ubAr Professional, where would you rate yourself?

Anyway, i've been playing ping pong for a couple years now. For some reason, I just feel awkward holding the paddle with the traditional Handshake grip. I think i'd rate myself as a 6. The guys I play with are retardedly good at ping pong...


Just thought I'd start a thread. :smoking:
2 - n00b
Whether I use hand shake or pen grip depends on the opponent.
9- uber 1337

friend and i play all the time at his house and hes amazing so he got me sweet. I also play alot of tennis which I think helps a bit
Bing bang?

I haven't ponged ping play in a tong lime.

3/10 UbAr soso skill.
My tech teacher just set up a ping pong table for the end of the year (school gets out on Thursday) I played and I must say that I haven't lost it.

7 / 10
I've got a friend who play a lot of tennis and just recently started playing ping pong. I think having some experience with tennis does help, but only so much. He still has trouble with dealing with my spin that I usually place on the ball.
Ping Pong is such an incredibly fun game. It sucks the tables for it are so expensive.
Raziaar said:
Ping Pong is such an incredibly fun game. It sucks the tables for it are so expensive.
just go pick up an old crummy one for $30 bucks at a pawn shop....
I'm somewhere around -1.
I couldn't hit a ping pong ball off my own palm. :(
About 6/10. I have a three-quarters scale table here. When I play on full sized, I never go off, as I am use to the smaller table. :D

I've only played on a regular sized table, so I still hit some shots off the table, but for the most part I can usually place the ball where I want it to go.
Im maybe a 6. Although we got rid of our table, so I may not be as good anymore. My dad is nasty at it though, he can put spins on it like you couldnt believe. Seriously he can hit it on the left side and have it go off the right edge.
Reaktor4 said:
i pwn at this, if that counts.
Now that is tight. I didn't score 1 point though. :o This pretty much sums up my skill at the sport, but it's fun.
sit and think for a while and you'll realize that you'll still die.
if you're not thinking at all i dont know why you're alive.
VirusType2 said:
Now that is tight. I didn't score 1 point though. :o This pretty much sums up my skill at the sport, but it's fun.
****in game is rigged...
played my first match of ping pong today since i was a child
currently sitting at a 5 id say
alotta fun tho
Firstly it's table tennis! I hate the name ping-pong :P

I've been playing for about 5 years now, although i've stopped since i came to uni(god knows why :/). I play handshake grip and i dunno what you guys are comparing yourself to but i'd say i'm a 5 or a 6 compared to the sort of people you get playing in the leagues in towns.

oh and i can beat that miniclip game 11-0,11-0 | 11-0, 11-0 | 11-0, 11-0 :P
I've been playing for a long time on and off, not consistently. I used to have a table but then took it apart. I'm really damn good too. I don't really know how to describe how I hold it, I guess kinda backwards. I'd say my skill is like 8 or 9 out of 10. I can do a good forehand and place it where I want it, like in the corner or whatever.
Septih said:
Firstly it's table tennis! I hate the name ping-pong :P
I'm awesome at Ping-pong. At my highschool our common room had a table and I used to play when it was free. I use the backwards pen-grip (so I'm backhanding all the time), and am about a 6-8 at the game (based on my school, not the world or proffessional - that would be like a 3-4). But there's a guy in my year who's just insanely clever, and he's amazing at the game. then my other friend is better than me, but I beat him once! \o/