Ping Spikes and HL2


Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
I was playing HL1 to brush up on my fps skills a bit, when i started getting hit with some really bad ping spikes. Like, 4095ms Flushpacket type. This doesn't happen to my friends on the same ISP, and im just wondering if someone has a possible solution to this. I don't want to get HL2 and be hitting the roof with my ping!

But at least the slideshow will look pretty, right?
I got some bad lag last week. It was from Monday- Thursday. I couldn't play America's Army AT ALL!
Originally posted by Letters
I *wish* there was a solution for lag...
A break-through like that would be bigger than finding a cure for Cancer and AIDS combined.
Im still using it. I rented it off to valve for a steam server.
Well, if powerplay was a reality, we could all be saved.

was it even called powerplay?

well it doesn't matter because it never was real.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
2 words:
It still dosn't matter.
Oops, that's 4 bad.

5 words..."does not"
Hehe, I love my cable...I get 3mbps...Ahh, 10 ping is so good....
yes, but doesn't is a contraction, and that's one word. But he wrote dosn't, which isn't a word, so technically he had 3 words and a bit of gibberish.
either gabe or doug said hl2 will have BETTER netcode than hl1. so it will be good barring your connection is decent. make sure your rate is set accordingly