Ping with a 1.5mbps connection...

Space Farm

May 23, 2004
Reaction score
I'm just about to get this new broadband connection in a week or so (currently on a 56k which I've been on for three years...YAY!)..I was just wondering what kind of ping I'll get? I need to know so I can ask them to upgrade my connection before they come over here and install it. So am I looking at 20-40 or 60-80?

Btw, when I mean 1.5mbps connection I mean it won't download 1.5mb in a second it will be more like 150kb/s.

i get 30-60 ping on west servers and 60-100 on cent and some east.
the ping depends on where the server is i have a 1.3mb connection and i get 20-40 ping on servers close to me
Anywhere from 20 to 40 on good national servers, 40+ for busy or global servers.
Actually you can download at 1.5 mb/s, it is just that it is Bits not Bytes, Mb/s=Megabits, MB/s=Megabytes.
The difference between a bit and a byte is 8, so just take 1.5 meg bits, and divide it by 8 and you can download at the max of about 187.5 KB/s (capital B=Bytes)

If it's a DSL connection it might depend one how far you are from the hub.

But you should get good ping. My cable used to be 1.5mbps and my average ping was anywhere from 30-90 depending on where I was connecting to.
Data transfer from online games is pretty small, anything below 20kb/s. Your ping is more reliant upon links than connection speed at anything above 150kbits, so you'll be fine. One of the reasons why ping increase is so noticable coming from 56k to DSL is the fact that DSL modems don't have to do A/D and D/A conversion, which tacks on about 100ms.
Thanks for the replies. I can't wait till I get connected anything will be better than the horrible 56k I'm using now....*shudders*
I know how you feel, i was stuck on 56k while all my mates were on broadband, they would annoy me about it daily sometimes! GOod when you get it though!
I live near boston, and Verizon is introducing fibre optic for private use. 45 bucks a month, 15mb/s... man, I love life.

Also, for 40 bucks a month you get 5 mb/s, and for a whopping 150 you get 30.
holy crap thats fast roadrunner cost 40 and u only get 3mbs i would love 15mbs
yeah... right now I'm stuck with Verizon DSL. I don't reccomend it at all- it's like 30 to 40 bucks a month for extremely unreliable internet. Plus, they claim it's 1.5 mb/s, but it's actually more 256 kb/s... in my experience.
i have a 1Mb broadband connection and when i connect to a server in Uk i get between 13 & 35
my internet is being upgraded from 576k to 2MB, is there any way to check that this has happened yet? because they are not quite upgrading everybodys at once, more or less by area.

and damn this 15GB cap, im gonna use it soon cuz of my format and need to get stuff again.

but hopefully my ping will also improve
the ping is not usually determined by the bandwidth, someone with a 512k download could be faster than someone with a 2mb one. the lag will depend on the distance and what type of connection.
brav said:
the ping is not usually determined by the bandwidth, someone with a 512k download could be faster than someone with a 2mb one. the lag will depend on the distance and what type of connection.
for now, the difference between 500 and 2mb may not be noticable, but in the future, when servers must send more information to client, and vice versa it wil then probably become more important.

i noticed a massive boost when i went from 56k (or was it 28k) to 64k ISDN, then another huge boost from ISDN to 576k ADSL
In Australia the only good broadband is with Telstra. Little did I know this when I got broadband with AAP. Its only marginally faster than dialup.
furiousV said:
my internet is being upgraded from 576k to 2MB, is there any way to check that this has happened yet? because they are not quite upgrading everybodys at once, more or less by area.

and damn this 15GB cap, im gonna use it soon cuz of my format and need to get stuff again.

but hopefully my ping will also improve

You're with BT, right?

The download cap doesn't kick in 'till early June, or so I'm told, so don't worry :)
jondyfun said:
You're with BT, right?

The download cap doesn't kick in 'till early June, or so I'm told, so don't worry :)
yeah, BT Yahoo! Broadband or something whacky.
you know if the bandwidth upgrade is on yet, or if thats also June?
i kinda hate how there showing all of these commercials for dial up