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My name is Kenny Eliasson and I'm from Sweden. Just now i'm doing a job about piracy. I just want to know what tou guys out there thinks about it. I have couple of questions below that i would like you to answer =)..

1. Do you use illegal copies of games and programs?
2. Do you think that is allright to do so?
3. If yes, why?
4. Dont you think that you will loose in the end? No buyers = worser games, longer development times to a higer price?.. Am I right?
5. Can you think of buing a games and programs if they lower the prices? For example in Sweden the games cost about 400-500kr = 40USD. I think if the prices went down to about 10-20 USD, the company would get more buyers and better repetition. But do they earn as much as before?

6. Have you an idea how to change the piracy scene?

Hope you understand my english =).. Have a great time.
1. if i said yes i would get in trouble D:
2. Not a god dam clue
3. to be the best ever :D
4. most people just want free/cheap stuff
5. only if the game was good i wouldnt mind paying more
6. burn them all
1. yes
2. no
3. i think its quite alright to pirate something as an extended demo if you aren't sure you want to buy. as long as its temporary and u delete it if you arent gonna use it.
4. not me. see above
5. i would buy more new games if they were even around $30. 10 or 20 seems a bit low.
6. better and better copyprotection and eventually something like steam for every game where you have to authenticate to use the software every time. it would at least slow down piracy
1. sometimes
2. kinda
3. i don't pirate games, but stuff like photoshop, and macromedia flash.. yeah i gotta admit i have those.
4. i guess, but it's hard to stop it now.
5. i already buy games ;P but programs, i dunno. they put out an education version of alias wavefront maya, that cost 1000 or so, still wayy to expensive.

6. not really. bust as many people as they can? there's no foolproof way to get rid of any 'scene'. so lots of things can happen.
i refuse to answer these questions as you may work for the fbi and may come knocking on my door to kill me for illegally pirating files. ever since source was leaked nothing is safe...
1: games rarely, but some programs that are too expensive for consumers (3dsmax 4.2) and a bit of mp3
2: no, there is no way to justify it, some try to but they're always wrong. But when you do it, I feel you have to compensate it by buying legal stuff too.
3: some games because I just want to try them, but most of the times I just buy it.
4: yes, if no one buys anything, pc games will die out, if there's no profit in making it, it won't be done.
5: NOLF2 was 35 euro's here, they sold a nice number of 'em I think. It's a nasty circle, prices are high, consumers buy less, prices rise because of lower sales, even less people will buy it, prices rise even more. But for a game that will give you lots of playtime and fun, I'm willing to pay 50 euro for it.
6: not a clue.
1. Yes
2. Only if the game sucks
3. ---
4. The develop sucks if the game sucks, so I dont care
5. maybe
6. :afro:
not the best forums to ask a serious question on . Most people in here are a bit retarded.
1. is this general topic?
2.who are you?
3. what!?
4. errr....whaT?
5.oooooooooooooook who are you again
6. sorry miss don't know the answer
. Do you use illegal copies of games and programs?
2. Do you think that is allright to do so?
3. If yes, why?
4. Dont you think that you will loose in the end? No buyers = worser games, longer development times to a higer price?.. Am I right?
5. Can you think of buing a games and programs if they lower the prices? For example in Sweden the games cost about 400-500kr = 40USD. I think if the prices went down to about 10-20 USD, the company would get more buyers and better repetition. But do they earn as much as before?

6. Have you an idea how to change the piracy scene?

1. Yes
2. No
3. I said no!
4. Yes, but im poor!
5. Definitly!
6. Make games cheaper.

and the games here(sweden) are more like 50-60 USD
Originally posted by WiredShock
not the best forums to ask a serious question on . Most people in here are a bit retarded.

Thanks for the confidence in our intelligence. Most people here are not retarded, so dont say that.
1. Yes
2. No
3. n/a
4. Meh, maybe
5. Yes, cheaper games would own
6. Lower the prices kthx.
Originally posted by Krezni

1. Do you use illegal copies of games and programs?

No, I just use them on a 'friends' computer

Originally posted by Krezni

2. Do you think that is allright to do so?

Well my friend certainly does

Originally posted by Krezni

3. If yes, why?

Aparently most software development is used a process of creating revenue rather than trying to make progress. The way in which large companies abuse the patent system by getting in early and patenting things they know rivals are developing but have no interest in themselves. The reason, sueing for patent infringment is more profitable than actaully selling and supporting the product.

Originally posted by Krezni

4. Dont you think that you will loose in the end? No buyers = worser games, longer development times to a higer price?.. Am I right?

No, you are wrong. There is a large open source community that produces excellent products for free (eg. Linux, gcc, quality games like tux racer erm scratch taht last one).

Originally posted by Krezni

5. Can you think of buing a games and programs if they lower the prices? For example in Sweden the games cost about 400-500kr = 40USD. I think if the prices went down to about 10-20 USD, the company would get more buyers and better repetition. But do they earn as much as before?

That's for the economists to decide. It's hard for companies to predict the impact of reduced prices.

Originally posted by Krezni

6. Have you an idea how to change the piracy scene?

Generate software and sell at cost, don't have sharholders to lean on you to maximise profits, then pirates may be able to afford some of the software they copy such as photoshop, at around $600 is beyond the reach of many amatuers/students. Or just stuff it and make all software free!
1. Yes
2. Depends.
3. Some programs for example 3dsmax (which costs about 5k in stores) or if your trying a game (eg. i warez'd gta3 then baught it)
4. No, because if it's a good game i'll buy it no matter what ;)
5. If you cut our the publisher like valve is doing with steam, the price should drop.

6. nope

1. I don't think anyone here can deny ever having tried some illegal copy of anything, but as of this moment no I am not.
2. No. But if you don't have the money you have no other choice ( and don't say "just don't do it" because it's hard not to!! )
3. :)
4. A little, as far as I know the developers still get paid, for the job, people losing money are the people putting it out there, like Eidos and so on.
5. Of course I would!
1) yeah
2) no
3) @_@
4) its prolly hard on companies starting out or somehting, but 'giants' like valve aren't affected as much, I'm sure.
5) maybe, mybe not. prolly not from that steep a drop, they'll sell more but overall revenue would be less. I don't thikn itsnecessarily the solution.
6) kill the bad people
1. Do you use illegal copies of games and programs?

Yes, but i buy the good stuff.

2. Do you think that is allright to do so?

Hmmm, yes and no.

3. If yes, why?

I only download games/progs that i would never buy anyway. So its not like the makers are losing out on any money of mine.

4. Dont you think that you will loose in the end? No buyers = worser games, longer development times to a higer price?.. Am I right?

No, because i wouldn't buy the stuff i download anyway. People should buy good stuff to support the companies that can be arsed to create a good game rather than some lazy console port or some mashed together shite and then stick a movie title on it. They should be burned.

5. Can you think of buing a games and programs if they lower the prices? For example in Sweden the games cost about 400-500kr = 40USD. I think if the prices went down to about 10-20 USD, the company would get more buyers and better repetition. But do they earn as much as before?

They wouldn't earn as much as before, but yeah i guess i'd pay £10 for a game i kinda wanted to try but wouldn't buy at full price (therefore i'd normally download) SO they'd make more money from me :-)