

Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Have you gone to a movie lately? Last one I went to had this commercial at the front with this guy who was a set painter. He was all talking about how Movie Piracy won't hurt the producers or actors or directors, but really hurts the little guy. Like him. He works hard. And piracy hurts him.

At the end it says," Put an end to Piracy."

Every time I see this commerial I can't help saying," Damn those pirates. ARRRRGGG. Shiver me timbers!
Okay, not particularly relevant to Half-Life 2, is it?
lmao, that's quite funny

Ahh, I forgot to show how it was relevant. I had to go to the bathroom, and poop before I could finish it, so I hit send :(
Re-post it in General Discssion as long as it has some relevance to HL2. It was rather funny anyway, just made me laugh.
Thanks Chris_D. All I was going to add was that Piracy of video games does the same. It won't hurt the big nameless corporations, but It will affect the little guy, like Gabe and his measly CEO salary. Poor poor rich ****ers...

Anyways i hate people who won't shell out the bucks to pay for a good product. 50 bucks is not a big price for me playing HL for over 5 years.. Thats 10 DOLLARS A YEAR!

Edit: Too tired to be typing.. I knew I paid more than 5 bucks for HL :)
christ even bigger spammers here then me
this guy is making a topic about soemthing and all you can say is

go play with your other happy friends insted of messing up topics

ON-TOPIC: you're right till some extend because in the end it will hurt the big industrie but indeed the little man goes first
the thing about movie piracy is that the little guy doesnt get hurt, painter get paid to paint, hair stylists get paid to do wutever, no matter how much money the movie pulls the little people will still get there money for doin the job . But i guess its different for computer games being that they dont sell narely as much products as console games.
Well here is how I feel:

When you buy a movie you don't actually buy anything. You don't own the intellectual property. The only reason to pay for the movie is to support the people who made it, and give them money to make more movies. So obviously if the movie is good and I feel that a lot of hard work was put into it, then I would pay for it. But if it's just another super-commercial release, no thanks.

In fact, I have bought many movies and CD's after I already watched them.

Just my 2c
Originally posted by Stingey
christ even bigger spammers here then me
this guy is making a topic about soemthing and all you can say is

go play with your other happy friends insted of messing up topics

ON-TOPIC: you're right till some extend because in the end it will hurt the big industrie but indeed the little man goes first

Umm, did you mean ME going HHHEEHHHEHHHHE? Well I'm the one who started the post, so :x
I dont go to the theater any more.

Theres no point, its too expensive and requires too nuch effort to get a group organised as its sad to go on your own.

I just buy dvds by the dozen nowadays.
Theres nothing quite like watching a film for the first time ona big screen with such cool surround sound.

Going on your own is a bit sad, but you dont need a group of people. Just 1 or 2 others and its alright.
The best part of going to going to the cinema is when you leave, and everyone in your group is buzzing. Either with the "that was fantastic!" or the "what a load of crap" buzz, doesn't make any difference.
That is, unless, you're the one who persuaded them to go and it turned out to be a "load of crap." ;)
Well, the first movie I saw this commercial at, ironocally, was pirates of the Carribean, which is worth seeing. Other movies that are worth seeing that are now out:

American Pie 3
Seabicuit(yes, looks gay, but is worth seeing)
Terminator 3: Rise of the machines

Everything else is pretty much crap, or kids movies, or chick flicks.

Tomb Raider: hard to decide on whether to reccomend it. I paid for a matinee seat, so it didn't make me too angry to pay it. The story is pretty crappy, but you DO get to see Angelina Jolie in a wet-suit that shows her nipples. Seeing that was worth the 5.50 matinee price in itself for me. Other then that a couple stunts were cool, but the story is laughable, and a chimp with a pencil and a couple of bar napkins could of done better. The ending PISSED ME OFF. (SPOILER ALERT)..................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

She spent the entire movie GOING after the ****ing cradle of life ONLY to shoot her partner because he wanted to take it. SHE STARTED the search for it. What a stupid woman.
set painters, grips and the like, have more to fear from CGI then piracy quite honestly. First thing that needs to be realized is that piracy is not theft.

Piracy is copyright infringement. Theft is where you deprive another of an object of physical value. When you steal you deprive someone else of the ability to use that object and cause a direct loss that can be accounted for and damages properly awarded.

Copyright infringement is where you infringe on the right of the owner of intillectual property to collect money for it. It causes an indirect, assumed loss because no object of value is taken. In the case of piracy a perfect digital copy is made. We can assume piracy hurts all we want, but because it is an indirect, assumed loss of intillectual goods and not a calculated direct loss of physical goods, there is no realistic way to say it hurts, how much it hurts if it does, and what damages should be awarded.

That is why theft is a criminal matter, and copyright infringement is a civil manner. The owner of the intillectual property has the right to personally try and sue for as much damages as a court will see fit, but generally you won't see it become a big criminal case unless some new draconian anti-piracy laws are passed.
The best piracy ad is this British one with some fat dude body painted red and dressed up as a devil sitting at a fire with a branding iron (natch). The voiceover then reveals to you that video piracy funds organised crime and terrorism of all things... Is it me or is the idea of top criminal masterminds saying:
"Right lads, bugger people trafficking, money laundering, racketeering, the firearms black market, drug-dealing, general pimpery and bank jobs... We're shifting ALL our attentions to video piracy, oh yeah. From now on, the world is OURS for the taking!"
just a leeedle bit far-fetched?
Yeah, I hate it when they try to say something funds terrorists.. If they wanna go down that road..


All of these are true, but it is a little far fetched to try and blame someone who uses any of these.