Pit bulls to be extinct or destroyed, what's new?

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CptStern said:
it has nothing to do with the fact that a bear is a wild animal and dogs are domesticated? nooooo that couldnt be it
What does that matter? domesticated or not, if it's dangerous, it's dangerous.
Grey Fox said:
What does that matter? domesticated or not, if it's dangerous, it's dangerous.

What Stern is trying to point out, is that because dogs are domesticated, they are quite likely to be more predictable than an animal such as a bear... which hasn't had its instincts overridden or dimmed down.
Raziaar said:
What Stern is trying to point out, is that because dogs are domesticated, they are quite likely to be more predictable than an animal such as a bear... which hasn't had its instincts overridden or dimmed down.
Ok thats a good point, but don't all the incidents with pitbulls make them predictably agressive, plus you got the fact that people mostly want them and breed for their agressiveness. Hence we should make extra rules for having a pitbull.
yes but it's not the animals fault people are irresponsible
My girlfriend's family has had several generations of pitbulls. Not one attack, not one growl. In fact, the pitbulls are quite protective of all the children in the family. You can't make generalisations by breed.
apples to oranges ..a dogs sole purpose isnt to kill
Any dog can be loving and peaceful... or aggressive and a true menace. Even the smallest lapdog types can be vicious. It is all in how they are raised and trained.

Same goes for humans. Just cause humans seem to like raising pitbulls this way, doesn't mean we should prejudice against the pitbulls... it means we should help the poor animals and stop that sort of violent breeding. That sort of breeding is usually done for dog vs dog attack shows. Which is sickening.
Pittbulls are trained to be killers.

I say ban people. people are much more dangerous.


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I think it would be fair enough to impose extra restrictions on the ownership of pit bulls if only because of the likelihood of them being owned by idiots. As long as these restrictions were geared specifically towards ensuring that the owner-to-be could care for their pit bull in a responsible manner.
Maybe there should be permits for dog ownership. And if your dog kills your kids and the best you can do is say "It was Nicky's time to go, When you're born you're destined to go and this was his time" you get a huge fine and a punch in the face.
CptStern said:
apples to oranges ..a dogs sole purpose isnt to kill
Pitbulls inherent agressiveness makes them more dangerouse in the hands of irresponsible people, and even then. What is irresponsibility, a pitbull will be agressive against starngers and veen bite them even if it is not trained to be aggresive. There are many objects out there that are not made for the sole purpose of killing and yet are not allowed or strictly regulated, so pitbulls should be to.

Sulkdodds said:
I think it would be fair enough to impose extra restrictions on the ownership of pit bulls if only because of the likelihood of them being owned by idiots. As long as these restrictions were geared specifically towards ensuring that the owner-to-be could care for their pit bull in a responsible manner.
Grey Fox said:
Pitbulls inherent agressiveness makes them more dangerouse in the hands of irresponsible people, and even then. What is irresponsibility, a pitbull will be agressive against starngers and veen bite them even if it is not trained to be aggresive. There are many objects out there that are not made for the sole purpose of killing and yet are not allowed or strictly regulated, so pitbulls should be to.

again you cant fault the dog for irresponsible people. They are attracted to those types of dogs ...believe it or not but Rottweilers are very very gentle dogs (in the right hands) but they can also bne viscious killers ..so can any dog

..the fact is that a dog is still an animal and as an animal it has the potential to attack. I've owned 3 dogs in a span of 25 years, my parents have dogs, my in laws have dogs my friends have dogs ..I love my dog but would never leave my son alone with him for any amount of time because no matter how well I've trained it it is still an animal and is unpredictable.
CptStern said:
again you cant fault the dog for irresponsible people. They are attracted to those types of dogs ...believe it or not but Rottweilers are very very gentle dogs (in the right hands) but they can also bne viscious killers ..so can any dog

..the fact is that a dog is still an animal and as an animal it has the potential to attack. I've owned 3 dogs in a span of 25 years, my parents have dogs, my in laws have dogs my friends have dogs ..I love my dog but would never leave my son alone with him for any amount of time because no matter how well I've trained it it is still an animal and is unpredictable.
Then you shouldn't fault a gun for irresponsible people.
But you do, why. Because a gun is inherently more dangerous then a knive, especially in the hands of irresponsible people. Same with pitbulls, they are inherently more agressive then other dogs, A pit bull is a very territorial and agressive dog that can be trained to be nice, other dogs are inherintly not as agressive, you certainly cannot compare a rotweiler to a pitbull. Rotweilers are like german shephards or husky's, strong dogs that can be trained to be mean and and are usefull because of their strength. Add to that the fact that people
get pitbulls especially because of their agressivness, not for their love, the majority getst hem because they want a lean mean killing machine. that fact that irresposible people are attracted to that kind of dog makes it that much more necesairy for laws.
I have a Rottweiler. he's about 65 kg, of muscles not fat. He's probably the nicest dog i know. But still, he is a animal. You should have respect. But never do i have the fear that he will bite me or my little sisster. She's 3 years old and can get a little rough with him. He just takes it. He is a part of the family. He whould kill you thou.

Edit: Don't take that last part seriously and freak out.
pitbulls may be small but ferocious, but they are still small. Kick that little dog or hit it with a stick with all your strength instead of running away and you will get results. Too many people just panic cause they don't know what to do and end up in the hospital. I mean damn, most people are way stronger than dogs aside from the wolf sized ones.

Anyway its just a dog, they can grow up to be friendly as all hell just as easily as being mean. So i'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
I get the feeling that this was intended as a joke thread. The original poster later said that he hates all dogs because they are killers. I dont think anyone could be that wrong without trying.

Double_Blade said:
Dogs are mean, they always love to kill and bite people. They only love those who worship them.
Steve said:
My girlfriend's family has had several generations of pitbulls. Not one attack, not one growl. In fact, the pitbulls are quite protective of all the children in the family. You can't make generalisations by breed.

My girlfriend just bought a miniature pitbull puppy, and it's the sweetest thing.
She's training her to be gentle, and I have seen incredibly affectionate pitbulls before.
My friend has one, it greets strangers with a lick on the face.
My uncle has one, and it's very playful... but not aggressive in the least.

But then there was my other friend whom used to have a pitbull in which he trained to be a guard dog... problem was, he pushed it too far and it took a clean chunk out of the right side of his face.
They put it down and he had to get some heavy surgery done to his face.

People who train pitbulls to be aggressive need to be locked up, tbh.

Oh and, I'm a bit of a dog person... so yeah.
Dogs are only as violent as you make them. :|
The thread starter sounds like Stephen Colbert when he talks about bears.

"They are godless killing machines!"
And to sum it all up, pit bulls must be banned in order to stop cannibalism on people from happening. You may say that Im harsh but hey, you read the news article on the top. Im just worrying for safety sake.

No offense, but Pitbulls can be raised or bred differently. Executions are'nt entirely nessecary.
sounds like he's got an irrational fear of dogs, dogphobia to be scientific
WTF are you talking about how is a dog attacking a boy cannibalism? You're an idiot!
the adult dog bit Sharon Sicard, 45, of Fort Smith on the left leg ...

Doctors at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center packed Sicard’s wound with gauze and referred her to a plastic surgeon
Man up.
Oh no, maybe we should ban DOG from HL2. He may try to harm people.

ElFuhrer said:
The thread starter sounds like Stephen Colbert when he talks about bears.

"They are godless killing machines!"

Bat f*ck insane.
Wow, you guys does love dogs biting you. Why don't you call up 100 dogs to bite you, see if you survive.

It seems that you didn't even paid any serious attention to the article.

Grey Fox said:
What does that matter? domesticated or not, if it's dangerous, it's dangerous.

Like, oh my ****ing god.

I have a pellet gun.


Shall I be illegal?

Double_Blade said:
Wow, you guys does love dogs biting you. Why don't you call up 100 dogs to bite you, see if you survive.

It seems that you didn't even paid any serious attention to the article.


And you, shut up.

You're just some ignorant prick who can't be arsed to draw his own conclusions.
I would knew that you guys would think that Im offending you, well, **** you guys.

Truth hurts isn't it? But sadly, in reality, you had to face up to truths so that you can be free from all troubles. And I had done that personally, what about you? You have to know the truth, loser.
Double_Blade said:
I would knew that you guys would think that Im offending you, well, **** you guys.

Truth hurts isn't it? But sadly, in reality, you had to face up to truths so that you can be free from all troubles. And I had done that personally, what about you? You have to know the truth, loser.

As if i'm going to take the truth from you.

Your oppinions are all biased, based on one incident that you had in your childhood.

It would be like if a snail crawled on my face when I was one, and I hated snails for all eternity.

It's the truth right? Snails are dangerous creatures, based on this one incident, right?

And I fail to see how this is offending me or anybody else in any way.

I for one, find you very funny.

Like a circus animal :D

You need to learn how to think outside of your trauma.

Spend more time around more dogs, pitbulls specifically.

You'll come to learn that they aren't all bad creatures. I know some pretty bad dogs, and I know a great majority good ones.

I've known maybe two or three nice and friendly pitbulls, who, first thing they see me, would try to push me down and snuggle with my face. I've also known one bad pitbull that would try to break down its fence when I rode my bike past its yard.
I have no problem with dogs aslong as they have sensible owners and owners that actually can CONTROL their dogs..
And I've been attacked by a large dog once, so I know they can be dangerous.:)
I only get pissed at all the owners over here who don't have their dogs in chains/collars(I don't know their proper names in english) because it still scares me if the dog starts barking at me.
Not to mention, my friends lil' dog was attacked by a pitbull, the owner? A 70 year old lady who didn't even have it in chains.
I really wish that the police would become more hard on people who have dangerous dogs roaming 'free' etc, it's really ****ing annoying..
Besides, imo, there should be 'laws'(Although I doubt it could be implemented succesfully) that the owner of a say pitbull, should have sufficent strength to try to control it, this woman looked like one could hit her on her arm and she'd fall apart.:laugh:

Anyway, in the end, dogs are alot like children, how they act is usually the fault of the 'owner', not just themselves.:)
sinkoman said:
As if i'm going to take the truth from you.

Your oppinions are all biased, based on one incident that you had in your childhood.

It would be like if a snail crawled on my face when I was one, and I hated snails for all eternity.

It's the truth right? Snails are dangerous creatures, based on this one incident, right?

And I fail to see how this is offending me or anybody else in any way.

I for one, find you very funny.

Like a circus animal :D

You need to learn how to think outside of your trauma.

Spend more time around more dogs, pitbulls specifically.

You'll come to learn that they aren't all bad creatures. I know some pretty bad dogs, and I know a great majority good ones.

I've known maybe two or three nice and friendly pitbulls, who, first thing they see me, would try to push me down and snuggle with my face. I've also known one bad pitbull that would try to break down its fence when I rode my bike past its yard.

Not bad creatures? I beg to differ. But hey, feel relaxed to think what you want or better yet, flame me if you want.

If a person is nice to a dog, the dog still will bite he or she. Dogs are bunch of annoying creatures, it hates to be left alone and you had to take the trouble. Dogs anyhow bites people regardless if the person is nice to dogs.

At least I think of children, not dogs.
You know, in most cases where the Pitbull breed attacks another person or it's owner is because the person would annoy it by poking, yelling in their ears etc.

If innocent dogs die because neglect or abuse from their owners... Well... I wished that meteor did hit.

Actually, I am not going to bother with this thread...

All I can say, Double_Blade is that you're a hate-filled little man, harming dogs just for being dogs based on your own neglect. Your biased misinformed infomation has brought nothing but flaming. Thread Closed.
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