pitch black


Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
how would i make my map have 0 lighting? so that all the light would come from my spot lights, etc.
If you have lights (light_dynamic excluded) in the map, no leaks, and are running RAD, every unlit part of the map will be... unlit.
i made a map once and to have a black so like the flash light doesnt work put in lights that have 1 1 1 1 for color/brightness. it might be 1 1 1 255 but i cant remember. try those.
if you only have dynamic lights it will be mat_fullbright when you run it as dynamic lights arnt real lights.
i know u can set matt_fullbright to "0", but u have to do that every time u start the level.
this is a multiplayer CS:S map and i'd like the map to begin w/ 0 lighting
You could do a point_servercommand or maybe add a light with little or no light somewhere.
Otherwise just make a hollw box somewhere outside your map which noone can ever get to and put a light in it. Compile and the rest of your map will be pitch black.