Pixel pr0n (Is sexual attraction to artificial characters okay?)

Is sexual attraction to artificial characters okay?

  • Yes. They were made to look human. What's wrong with it?

    Votes: 110 69.2%
  • No. They aren't real and therefore sexual attraction would be abnormal.

    Votes: 31 19.5%
  • What is this "sexual attraction" you humans speak of? I am not familiar with it.

    Votes: 18 11.3%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Alyx Vance, Lara Croft, that chick from the Final Fantasy movie, or some anime babe.

We've all seen it before. A person says that they're hot and then somebody makes the sarcastic remark "Oh yeah, pixels are so hot". The question I put to you is which side of the fence you're on.

I personally see it as okay. They were designed to be representations of actual humans. If it looks like an actual person, then what's wrong with being sexually attracted to it? The common argument is that they're just pixels. But to that I say: have you ever looked at a picture? A model shot? A nudie mag? All your beautiful women reduced to a 2D image consisting of pixels.
Granted, I think that a low-poly nude skin for Quake (a grand total 10 polygons of flesh) is stretching it. But could you argue against something like this?


(Take note that I chose not to post the nude Playboy version of this)

And before any wild accusations are thrown about; no, I don't beat my meat to video game characters. Nor do I find anime girls to be all that appealing because I personally find them to be exaggerated and out of proportion. But if you get aroused these kinds of things... well, I wouldn't blame you.

(For this topic, we are completely ignoring furries as I think they would warrant a different kind of topic.)
Wow there is some serious toe going down in that picture you posted.

EDIT: Link to playboy version please.
It's the same pic, just without her top.

Not sure if the mods would like it.
Absinthe said:
It's the same pic, just without her top.

Not sure if the mods would like it.

No they most assuredly would not like it.

I'm just trying to get you banned.

I'm on the side of the fence that says pixels are hot. By god it looks like a woman, that's all my brain needs to trigger the chemical reactions to initiate boner launch sequence. Though it's ironic some people will criticize pixels in the shape of a female yet drool and moan in pleasure over the pixels in a game like UT2007.

yeah, it's fine, it all still looks hot to me, and besides, pixels are more customizable than flesh
I'm not sure... I personally don't find it attractive, but can see why some people do :)
I am totally not cool with anime stuff. It's weird and sick and you're all a bunch of freaks!

hmm, I think I'll watch Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within again, with tissues handy ;)

Yes, that's right, Dr. Sid is hot.
Anime porn and ladies in video games don't get me all hot and bothered. I prefer the real thing.
Sure, it's cool if you think you're hot and you make comments to your friends but when you start, like, masturbating to the thought of them... no, that's wrong...

well, it's no different than being able to look at a set of pixels and see a gun, if you can look at a set of pixels and see a woman, why not?
Dalamari said:
well, it's no different than being able to look at a set of pixels and see a gun, if you can look at a set of pixels and see a woman, why not?

Yea, but you can't shoot the gun.

llo sexul inuendoo roflol
sure, it's ok to think they're hot .. just not do dirty things with images or pathetic things like nude models (hello max payne 2 & tomb raider nude patches).
I'm not seeing the reasoning here. It's okay to think they're hot, but it's not okay to masturbate to them?

You'd think one would often follow the other.

ktimekiller said:
A picture is exactly the same, pixleized....

Your point being?
ok, you can do dirty things, just not the second thing i said.
pixelized? do you mean pixelated?
oh wait, different meaning...
I predict in the future we will be able to have sex with pixalated women.

That'll be the day. :smoking:
Q_onfused said:
Sure, it's cool if you think you're hot and you make comments to your friends but when you start, like, masturbating to the thought of them... no, that's wrong...

do you masturbate to pictures of real women on the interweb?
Mr-Fusion said:
I'm on the side of the fence that says pixels are hot. By god it looks like a woman, that's all my brain needs to trigger the chemical reactions to initiate boner launch sequence. Though it's ironic some people will criticize pixels in the shape of a female yet drool and moan in pleasure over the pixels in a game like UT2007.


OMFG that's so hot!! I wish this forum had a drool-smiley!! :eek:
Some computer-generated images are almost impossible to tell from photographs already, so you might not know if youre yanking it to a real person or not. I don't see anything wrong with it, almost everyone likes pr0n, and some people happen to like cartoon pr0n. Whatever floats your boat.
I'm ok with it. Hell, I've gotten off onto stuff like that before.
LittleB said:
OMFG that's so hot!! I wish this forum had a drool-smiley!! :eek:
hot? its freeky and gross, hey breasts are over sized, and its litterally spilling over her bra.
ktimekiller said:
hot? its freeky and gross, hey breasts are over sized, and its litterally spilling over her bra.

Oh yeah, talk dirty to me baby :naughty:
lol wow that was easy.. just delete a word in the link and there you go. some things are kindof hot others arent. just like real women. but im not sure if id masterbate to it constantly. and sorry that bikini pic thing isnt hot. maybe if there was some bondage and some tenticals, oh yeah.
ktimekiller said:
hot? its freeky and gross, hey breasts are over sized, and its litterally spilling over her bra.
and looks so plastic
CyberPitz said:
I'm ok with it. Hell, I've gotten off onto stuff like that before.

C'mon dude, i'm telling you. We gotta be ****ing twins or something.
attraction to anything/anyone is okay, as long as you aren't hurting anyone with the effects that this attraction creates. then, morally, it would get complicated. thats my philosophy anyway.
poseyjmac said:
attraction to anything/anyone is okay, as long as you aren't hurting anyone with the effects that this attraction creates. then, morally, it would get complicated. thats my philosophy anyway.
child molestation, here I come.
CyberPitz said:
child molestation, here I come.

But then you're hurting little boys.

And if they liked it, then it wouldn't be molestation :O

Maybe we aren't so alike...