PixelGames... take a look!


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, don't mean to be "advertising" or anything, but I have recently been around the site http://www.pixelgames.com and they are looking for people to submit maps so they can be reviewed.

Just wanted to let anyone who has a neat map and wants it rated and "release" know. They also have a remote compile system going, and I think a server.

Pretty cool, you should check it out.
nice you are the favorite file there... good work agent smith!

Thanks :thumbs:

But thats only because they don't have many maps. :(
I kind of want to try making a more complex map, but I am not really sure where to start.. I need a theme for my map in the first place... I want it to be a Counter-Strike map...

Thanks smith,

merc we have plenty of tutorials that can get you started. You just need to think of a theme :P

Alot of our tutorials are aimed at mappers who have a few maps under their belts but we do have a few newbie tutorials. Other then how-tos we also have a few tips on just making your map more interesting.
unfortunately,, my best maps are for firearms halflife
You can still submit them, Shinobi, I've got Firearms and I could rate 'em for ya. :)

Is that cool with you, GD?
its cool, ill make a firearms section just for ya!
