Place your bets! (on the reason for delay)

What will be the reason for the delay?

  • Blame it on Steam

    Votes: 30 31.9%
  • Overestimation of their ability to finish the game in their set time frame

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • Hype/Marketting

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Publisher-related issues

    Votes: 25 26.6%
  • Show-stopping bug(s) found

    Votes: 8 8.5%
  • More stuff being added

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • More sales at Christmas time

    Votes: 8 8.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well now that its official, I figured I'd take a guess at the reasons Valve will state for the delay.

Note: This isn't for any actual reason, this is for betting on the reason they tell us (may be different in your opinion).

I'm putting my money on "Blaming it on Steam"

Moderators: Please do feel free to add new poll items as people suggest them. :)
man why couldnt they choose another publisher besides ****ing vivendi, they are better ones out there
If the delay is genuine, my bet is that they are spending more time optimizing the code for Nvidia. Then when they announce it, the reason will be that they want to "bring the best gaming experience to as many people as possible" or something.
Because the multiplayer isn't even done which is also the reason they never showed it I guess because they had nothing to show, the way valve have handled this game is atrocious, steam doesn't even work for me so how they are supposed to make any money from me I don't know.

For people like me who haven't upgraded yet this is not that bad actually.
well considering the last talked about min specs for HL2 upgrading wouldn't be a problem anyway, as even a $500 complete system would run HL2. Of course I bet the min specs have gone up a bit since they last talked about them (around E3)
Originally posted by mosquave
Because the multiplayer isn't even done which is also the reason they never showed it I guess because they had nothing to show, the way valve have handled this game is atrocious, steam doesn't even work for me so how they are supposed to make any money from me I don't know.

For people like me who haven't upgraded yet this is not that bad actually.

they never showed the single player either so it isn't done either, that must also be part of the delay...:dozey:
I love you DOOManiac:) Trust you to revel in this information.
I have a feeling it's the publisher. Vivendi kept mentioning a holiday release date. Valve said Sept 30th. Obviously a cnofliction. Vivendi seems to want to reap the rewards with Half life and it's other titles maybe?
Originally posted by SGT Tenor
I have a feeling it's the publisher. Vivendi kept mentioning a holiday release date. Valve said Sept 30th. Obviously a cnofliction. Vivendi seems to want to reap the rewards with Half life and it's other titles maybe?

this man/kid speaks teh truth
if you think HL2 would sell less at the moment, you are kidding yourself. HL2 hype is at its peak as we speak, leaving it longer is just suicide.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
if you think HL2 would sell less at the moment, you are kidding yourself. HL2 hype is at its peak as we speak, leaving it longer is just suicide.

He is actually right.
Originally posted by Styloid
they never showed the single player either so it isn't done either, that must also be part of the delay...:dozey:

I must have imagined those videos then:eek:
If I was to bet I would say the game itself is basically done. I can't imagine they would take 5 years to make a game and come out and give a firm date (sept 30th) only months away and yet still a considerable amount of the game left to where this could happen. Any bugs left in gameplay now I can only assume would be minor ones.

My guess it it may not actually be one thing, but a few things, maybe a combo of these:

I think Steam is at least part of it. It simply isn't living up to what they wanted, nor could it possibly accept the demand when the game did come out. Plus it was late and still buggy when it was released out of beta not all that long ago.

I also think the nvidia thing needs to be resolved. The fact is there are more nvidia cards out there than ATI. Another fact is not everyone out there can afford to drop $300+ on a new video card for a computer game or two. Yes Valve and Gabe are generally good, but the fact is they DO makes games to make money and they would much rather have everyone happy with their gaming performance than have a lot of complaints. And I really don't think they want to sour any more relationship between them and nividia than is already been done...a lot of money there.

And I think the 3rd thing is probably Vivendi. There were initial rumblings about this way back when the game was annouced. "Vivendi has said it was delayed, no they didn't, yes they was a misunderstanding." I DO think there was a misunderstandy, but it may have been between Vivendi and Valve and I think that may have caused friction. I think most publishers would want a game this big to be released closer to the holidays. It just make sense. Would it sell more then or now? I don't even think it's a marketing tool to release high profile things near the holidays.

So that's my take. :)
/me votes it was Steam's fault

Don't mean to bag it, Steam will be brilliant once's it's finished and working perfectly :) It will be absolutely delightful. :p
I voted for the publisher, as VU are a bunch of money grubbing, stat loving, community shunning suits.

They want to play the release "by the numbers" and as most games that are released for chrimbo seem to do better that is exactly what they are doing.

I also think that NVIDIA's whining about the benchmark not being done on their 50x drivers miay well have something to do with it.

[EDIT] Venting over :p :flame:
Nope all wrong.

They decided it was crap and started again on a different engin, the offical line is now it'll be released 'when it's done'.
it's not delayed; stop spewing bullshit please
It all comes down to business, Vivendi has very powerful, sharp people working for them. If one of their upper level management people walked into Valve, the Vivendi exec. would leverage all control in the meeting. They would tell Valve what the release date is, why, and how they are contractually obligated to follow their rules. If they do anything besides what Vivendi wants, they will lose millions of dollars. The influence that those people generate is amazing, they are sharp businessmen and no one at Valve will win an argument with them, not even Gabe.
Originally posted by richpull
It all comes down to business, Vivendi has very powerful, sharp people working for them. If one of their upper level management people walked into Valve, the Vivendi exec. would leverage all control in the meeting. They would tell Valve what the release date is, why, and how they are contractually obligated to oblige, and if they do anything besides what Vivendi wants, they will lose millions of dollars. The influence that those people generate is amazing, they are smooth businessmen and you are not going to win an argument with them, not even Gabe.
doesn't matter... Vivendi can still go shit themselves
LOL, vivendi can go shit themselves, or they can tell Valve they aren't allowed to sell you a copy of HL2.
IM pretty sure it's publisher related issues because Steam has been running very well, but it's possible they want a later version of steam out before they release the game.
Originally posted by richpull
LOL, vivendi can go shit themselves, or they can tell Valve they aren't allowed to sell you a copy of HL2.
Vivendi staff need to be genetically altered with a valve around their necks, then twist and turn until their heads explode... each turn is done by a forum member
I'm going with "Overestimation of their ability to finish the game in their set time frame" which includes the problems with Steam, as well as anything else that could/would/should/has gone wrong since E3
Originally posted by MrWhite
IM pretty sure it's publisher related issues because Steam has been running very well, but it's possible they want a later version of steam out before they release the game.
none of my games on Steam work.. going well? lol
Originally posted by Spamz0r


yep there is. but gabe will telling us when it goes gold before the 30th, cause he told spitcodfry he would tell everyone before the 30th. so when he tells us, we will all know the official release that will STICK.
you mean he will tell us before the release date, not necessarily sept 30 ?
I think the delay is 2 fold, Vivendi and Steam.

I would be willing to bet the game is completed for the most part. I think Valve knew clearly Vivendis intentions of delaying the game for the holiday season (mmmmmm corporate antics arararr) but Valve stood by their Sept release date because either

A. They thought they could convince Vivendi of a Sept 30 release

B. They were going to bypass Vivendi's publishing rights by releasing HL2 on Steam (Valves game on Valves server) but for whatever reason this fell through (possibly the issues with Steam?)

That is my 2 pence
Originally posted by richpull
..are sharp businessmen and no one at Valve will win an argument with them, not even Gabe.

Even if VU are wrong? I always thought that the publisher only wields that kind of influence if they had provided some working capital towards the development of the game they are publishing? It makes no sense otherwise as they are after all only a publisher.