Plan of Attack Official Launch


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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The team behind Plan of Attack, a promising team-oriented modern warfare modification, has officially revealed their project for the public today:
"After many months of working in secrecy, the team officially launches the web site and announces our release date - April 15!"
Here is a brief description of the modification:
"Plan of Attack is a multiplayer first-person shooter that highlights
strategy, teamplay, and out-thinking your enemy. Gameplay features
include multiple objective choices per map, skill classes and
experience points, and alternating attack and defend rounds. The game
is set in a modern-day battleground where the United States is being
assaulted by a coalition of Russian, Chinese, and other foreign
invaders.[br]</br>We’re proud to announce that our first beta release will be April 15th.
In addition to the gameplay enhancements mentioned above, this release
includes our two teams, four unique classes, 15 new weapons, new
animations, and dozens of new props.[br]</br>Plan of Attack will also include a web-based statistics package to
track everything from kills and time played to assists and accuracy,
across all Plan of Attack servers."
Along with the very impressive release date, the team hands out a big chunk of in game screenshots for you to enjoy.[br]


[br]Don't forget to check out the Plan of Attack website right here, and hang tight as the release date approaches!
It looks pretty good, though it seems kind of CS-ish to me.
You know, I'd just like to add that it's so nice to see all these modifications releasing real screenshots clearly portraying a playable mod, and even things like release dates!

The age of being satisfied by a simple gun 3D model is over, I think. :)
Im liking the player model/skin, and the pretty spiffy HUD. Not too sure about the maps though.
NICE. Cant wait for release.
looks cool... but i dont like the cs 1.6 look, cuz it looks a bit like 1.6 :|

edit: but it still looks cool ! good work :thumbs:
Who designed the levels? Hier Wolfenstien (3d)?

Nice to see mods cropping up though, and not just a load of screenshots of unfinished models.
Cool, looks like they had members of valve playing :)
Reminds me alot of Hostile Intent (very good HL mod) not sure what the gameplay would be like tho...
Looks pretty dang good :D The 1st person RPG is the money shot. HUD design is very good and fits the genre well imo. I'm willing to bet a few other 'realism' mods are pooping they're pants.

Though being april 1st... and valve names in the screenshots... maybe this is really TF2 ;)
At least they are one of the first mods to show actual in-game gameplay with custom content. Maybe if they waited a while longer they could improve the quality.
looks awesome in my opinion. :D

this might be the first mod ive ever played.
Hells Angel said:
Reminds me alot of Hostile Intent (very good HL mod) not sure what the gameplay would be like tho...
Exactly what I though! All of those maps look like HI rips. :|
Mod = looking good, but I'm a bit sceptical, being the date it is.
Watch them spring a "We mean't April 15... 2006 - bwahahahahaha APRIL FING FOOLS!"
I think it would be a discredit to the hard work of the team to just say it is like CS 1.6.

I think they are doing a great job so far that i can see.

I just hope the release date aint an april fools joke :)

yah screenshots reminded me of counter-strike
Well how is it that once again, mod or game it goes by this formulae:
yanks are good (world police)
russians, chinese, any other country are bad invaders! They should make like imaginative teams. They never think it might offend someone. Well it surely offends me even if it doesn't concern Finland at all
I wish modders would stop making the same unorignal 'realistic' crud - that's what CS is for. When I download a mod, I want something highly original which could never have been attempted by a major company. In other words, modders should leave unoriginal concepts to the paid game devs and make something cool and different.

(I'm not sayin most mods are sh*tty and unoriginal, just this one in particular).

HUD looks nice, though.
To each his own. Some like super-realism, and they'll play the mod. Others like uniqueness, and they probably won't play the mod.

I feel mildly cheesed that everybody who's not the US is the bad guy in the mod, though.

-Angry Lawyer
I can see a lot of work has been but in it for a short amount of time. Every time a mod team works on a new modern combat mod a lot of freaks say "omfg @#$ CS ripp-off", I dont think the css team has copyrighted modern combat games!?
Who knows, maybe its better then css.
I love what I see on the screenshots and Im defently going to play this mod!

Stop complaining about modern combat mods and go play css!
Zaphod_ said:
I wish modders would stop making the same unorignal 'realistic' crud - that's what CS is for. When I download a mod, I want something highly original which could never have been attempted by a major company. In other words, modders should leave unoriginal concepts to the paid game devs and make something cool and different.

(I'm not sayin most mods are sh*tty and unoriginal, just this one in particular).

HUD looks nice, though.

I think it's very unfair to judge a mod like this without having played it. Do you know there's nothing original about this mod? Do you know they're aiming for hyper realism? How can you say that it is "shitty and unoriginal" without having played it. This makes you one of the morons who judge games on aesthetics and not gameplay. This could be a great mod with tons of original features, or it couldn't, but you can't judge that without playing it first.

Anyways. I don't think the date is an April Fools joke. The Hidden already released a Beta, buggy though it was.
Betelgeuze said:
I can see a lot of work has been but in it for a short amount of time. Every time a mod team works on a new modern combat mod a lot of freaks say "omfg @#$ CS ripp-off", I dont think the css team has copyrighted modern combat games!?
Who knows, maybe its better then css.
I love what I see on the screenshots and Im defently going to play this mod!

Stop complaining about modern combat mods and go play css!


I agree, all people who brands modern day warfare games "CS clones" really are retarded.

Wow, it has modern guns. "OMFGZZZ CS CLONE"

Seriously? :rolleyes:

People in this forum make me laugh...

And to the mod in hand, looks bloody great! Can't wait to give it a go :)
This is actually surprising. This mod does not go out to innovate or create super-quality models.
Yet it captures Valve's interests, and comes out first in its genre. It rewrites the rules in some ways, as to travel the more familiar path, and yet not as a mere "mod of a mod". While other mods take time to go the extra mile (which is not at all a bad thing), this one scrambles and runs for the goalposts.

Is it CS? Maybe a little. Am I gonna try it? You bet.
I think if you make a good mod and ask Valve to test it and give some comments they will do it.
Hi All,

I'm Mike, the lead for Plan of Attack. I just wanted to respond to the comments about the US being the good guys and the Coalition (the rest of the world) being the bad guys.

To sum it up, that was not our intent. Is there a particular part of the web site that labels either side good or bad? We've tried to make that language as neutral as possible.

We've just set up a simple scenario, America vs. Coalition, green vs. brown, A vs. B. I'm sensitive to our international friends and I hope no one takes offense. But hey, you can't make everyone happy. :)

I understand, but somehow it just comes to my mind that its allmighty america vs rest world. Why not make it like North vs South like in yank civil war? :) HL2 is like Combine vs Rebel or something like that, good setup no offense to anyone etc. Just think about it :)

Plan of Attack is all about gameplay. Strategic gameplay. Players are faced with important decisions each round that effect themselves and their team. What objective to attack, planning your defense, acquiring money or experience, bankrupting the enemy team, choosing your skill class, and planning your path to victory.

Key Features

Strategy - you choose what to attack, what to defend, and how to fool the enemy team

Multiple objectives - each map has multiple paths to victory, with games always playing out differently

Attack and defend - alternating attack and defend rounds means you need to be good at both to capture and hold all of the objectives

Experience levels - doing well increases your skill level, which leads to class-specific bonuses

Stats package - a robust, web-based statistics package to track everything from kills and time played to assists and accuracy, across all Plan of Attack servers


Fast paced - rounds are quick, keeping you in the action

Multiple classes - encourages different styles of play; sneak up behind the enemy, kill them from a distance, or take them on full-force

User friendly - designed for new players and experienced players alike: a map, radar, and other UI cues help new players know where to go and what's going on, but don't get in the way for experienced players

New weapons - 15 new weapons, with 5 unique weapons per team

Rocket launchers - one-shot RPGs can turn the tide of a battle

In-game radar - shows the current map and your teammates' locations

Coin toss round - the first round of every game is pistols-only, with all players visible on the map

Persistent - each round builds upon the last, leading to an overall victory or loss for the team. No more doing the same thing over-and-over again

Dynamic maps - the maps are non-linear and multi-dimensional, leading to more varied gameplay

Money system - a buy system to purchase weapons
I have seen It all on the site, I dont know how you did all this work so fast but the gameplay sounds very good!
Angry Lawyer said:
I feel mildly cheesed that everybody who's not the US is the bad guy in the mod, though.

Agreed it sounds all a bit xenophobic to me. :|
Strange how we some of us focus on the settings.
Personally I tend to focus on the gameplay.
I have been snooping around their website and will definitly play this mod (we will host a server for it too).

Some in here somehow got the impression it will be a "realistic" mod. Well seeing crosshairs and a RPG I doubt this will be the case. One of the devs (or testers) even said the longest time he had to wait was 15-20 seconds before the round ended. This can only mean the maps will be even smaller then in CS and tactical play is of smaller importance then they make us believe.

Time will tell ;)

Foreign invaders eh? Old...I would like to see mods that emphasize on how economies of countries are screwed without each other. Because there have been too many invasion of the US stories and nobody wants to America anymore.
Betelgeuze said:
I have seen It all on the site, I dont know how you did all this work so fast but the gameplay sounds very good!

Its a Beta release according to them. Half Life 2 Capture the Flag is
released and is in beta mode. But I do understand what you are saying, that is alot in a beta release for a short amount of time. Hopefully its good, I will download this bad boy when they release it.
to all of those bashing its political claims...i say you are nitwits...
this is a game created based on a situation, the situation is that america is being invaded by foreign countries..this idea is totally plausible and credible..
if you dont like it, dont play it, just dont bash it...and if you want to make your own China vs. the world situation, then feel free...i will play your mod and play on the world side, and fire rounds in all your chinese faces..cuz thats just what i like to do
so until you have enough brainpower to come up with intelligent criticisms, i suggest you go back to playing your CS and leave these guys to do their incredible work