Plan of Attack Reaches 100,000 Downloads



I just got this in the mail from them, thought I'd share:
Plan of Attack: 100,000 and Growing!
It's hard to believe Plan of Attack was publicly unveiled only one month ago, and first released two weeks ago. I'm very proud to announce that we've had over 100,000 game downloads in our first two weeks! This is a huge accomplishment for our team, working on a shoestring budget, but we've managed to produce a solid beta in 4 months that thousands of gamers from around the world are enjoying.
So, what's next for Plan of Attack? News maps! New weapons! More gameplay tweaks, and more bug fixes! We're very hard at work on the next major release, which will include at least one official new map and new weapons.
In celebration of our 100,000 download mark, we're releasing "Plan of Attack Target Practice," an exciting 2D shooter version of our game. Each class has a mini-game that you can play, with high scores revealing "behind the scenes" images from Plan of Attack. You can download Plan of Attack Target Practice at Filecloud (click here).
100,000... hmm i think theyre just downloading there own mod lots of times :p

i want new maps !! lost coast !! and the counter strike remakes
It could also mean that people want to play with something new rather then CS:S
good news, point of attack is awesome. it's still pretty buggy but it's still a fun ass mod.
I still havnt given it a go. its just been sittin there on my hard drive, i guess i;ll give it a go now
Dodo said:
100,000... hmm i think theyre just downloading there own mod lots of times :p

i want new maps !! lost coast !! and the counter strike remakes

Thats how many times its been downloaded, but thats not how many people are playing it.

I only went on the POA servers the other day, and there were only 20-30 people playing. I only downloaded it to find out what its like, but in the end I was rather disappointed :( .
Thats how many times its been downloaded, but thats not how many people are playing it.

I only went on the POA servers the other day, and there were only 20-30 people playing. I only downloaded it to find out what its like, but in the end I was rather disappointed :( .

It's pretty good if you ask me, it just needs more maps and weapons :)
Awesome! I'm very happy for you guys. =D

Modding is awesome~!
this is good and bad, it means there are more ppl playing poa which is a very good game, but on the downside you get a whole shitload of noobs who are gonna be like where is the obj. wat do i do, how come i cant buy an awp, y is this ak diff.
mikeandike22 said:
this is good and bad, it means there are more ppl playing poa which is a very good game, but on the downside you get a whole shitload of noobs who are gonna be like where is the obj. wat do i do, how come i cant buy an awp, y is this ak diff.

I know what you mean; one of the latest games I played featured a horde of people asking why the game wasn't more like CS...

Still, it was amusing to watch them run out into the open, take multiple gunshots, fail to take the hint, and then die- You'd have thought that all that CS would've sharpened their reflexes, but apparently not in that case.
OMGWTFBBQ!!!!1111eleven 100000 downloads :O
Those cynics that say mods like that are a waste of time because nobody will bother with them: Get in line and take a beating!

I still haven't played it yet. Plan to do it very soon
Are there any mirrors for it where I don't have to register with to be able to download ??
I'm just glad i downloaded it as soon as it came out so when the "super:source" version comes out in about four or five years i can brag i followed it from very first beta release ;)
poor cs clone
thats all it is
too overhyped
no really! how do I uninstall it?

edit: nvm I had to delete teh folder then use a registry cleaning program to uninstall completely :sniper:
Looks interesting. I'm up for trying something new. :)
Geronimous said:
Are there any mirrors for it where I don't have to register with to be able to download ??
Filerush doesn't require reg. It was going pretty slow when I tried, but then my browser crashed :x so I don't know if it was just momentary.

If you do torrents, try their torrent. ATM I'm getting it at ~90KB/sec.
Very cool. Didnt like the mod to much tho.
good news, only really played it the weekend it was released, 1 map gets old quite fast but i have faith it'll improve.
Most likely due to being the only real CS clone mod out there so far. It'll die quickly when a more professional mod is released.
It could turn out to be a good mod. But it still needs many updates to get there.
I do not enjoy this mod. I'll play it again a few versions down the track but at the moment it doesn't really cause a rise in my pants.,
um.... good.

I playerd for a couple hours. It was kinda fun. A nice change of pace from my regular CS:S and occasional HL2:DM (not literally. pace is very cs-ish)

got some bugs. crashed on me a couple times, got some sound problems and other bugs, but not bad. seems pretty cs-derivative though.

and the deagle skin is terrible...
I played this when it first came out (have to try out the competition) and I have to say whilst its by no stretch a BAD game, I just didnt enjoy it too much, bit too much of a CSS clone. I think that there are other mods out there that are better, such as Hidden:Source. Just waiting for the next release of that one...
thats 100 000 downloads, and maybe 1 000 people playing it, the rest just like me found the mod rubbish and boring.
I fail to see why people download this mod.
Its to early to be released, its pure crap atm. and its nothing new.
I'd rather stick with CSS even though I hate CSS.
I've been playing this a lot lately, it's a refreshing change from CS, mainly due to the strategy involved in taking objectives for their merits etc.

Very nice.

But yeah, the deagle skin suckz0rs.
It's not about how many downloads you get, because considering these guys were one of the first "total conversions" released, I expected lots of downloads. It is all about how many players you have playing at any time. AND how long you can hold those players. If a few months down the road, when a bunch more mods are released, and you still have the same ammount of players playing, or more, that is something to tell everyone :)

Nice work on the mod guys.
Haven't downloaded it yet but plan on giving it a fair trial, even if it falls into the same camp as CS:S.

I'm a little disappointed to see so much unconstructive criticism being aired here. Making a mod is no easy feat and regardless of whether you like or dislike the results, you should at least respect the team for attempting it. It's all very easy to blithely dismiss things when you yourself aren't prepared to make an effort. :dozey: