Planet Half-Life news coming soon.

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Jul 7, 2003
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I am back from Seattle my eager readers.

Over the next few days I will be writing up my report/article about the trip (I am waiting on some pics from VALVe and I've got tons of info). Until then I will most likely be idling in #steam-hangout, and would be happy to answer questions if I am around. Please don't PM me because I will not respond, post in the channel and if I am around I will reply. I will start this so-called question time around 11am EST. My nickname is Halflife_84|CH. I will post pictures and things as soon as I get them uploaded.

I'd also like to take the moment to say - "I owned you punks at Halflife Radio in CS:S! WOOT!"

Possible news of Half-Life 2 and CS: Source comingsoon, thought I would give you a heads up.
By the way, that quote/news doesn't show up on the front page of Planet Half-Life for me for some reason (not sure if its the same for others). To see it, scroll down to the bottom and click on "Older News."
Your browser is probably loading a cached version of the page. Try holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the browser's refresh button when you're on the front page. Should ignore the cached page and reload it.
I hope he posts some ugly screenshots - enough to satisfy the desires of many people who want to argue. There won't be fun if the screeny is good - people will soon forget about it.

(example: HL2 flashlight screenshot discussed for 2 weeks, hi-res cs:s screen discussed for a day).
Let's see we're Sunday today, hopefully he's gonna post everything on Monday :)
probably more pictures of gabe or the golden crowbar :(

but i hope they got some cool new stuff

Chris_D EDIT: Was there really any particular need to put "fat" in front of Gabe's name? No? Watch yourself, that's your first warning.
harryz when actually did the dude post that on the site?
this should be interesting... :)
wonder if anything on HL2 MP will be revealed finally.. :E
gah, I'm sick of news about the game!

I just want the game!

Personally i'd prefer it if they want into blackout and only came out with the gold announcement.
mortiz said:
gah, I'm sick of news about the game!

I just want the game!

Personally i'd prefer it if they want into blackout and only came out with the gold announcement.
no one makes u read forums like this or look at hl2 sites
I'm talking to him now on irc and here's a few things he had to say:

DoD:S will not be released with HL2 and will be out after the release(not sure how long after)

He has lots of pictures being sent from Valve of HL2 and cs:s

He got to play the first part of the game(30-60 mins)

There is a bug in cs:s that makes the MP5 hot pink lol(not joking) jess cliffe was aware of the bug though.
ThomasToad said:
He has lots of pictures being sent from Valve of HL2 and cs:s


*crosses fingers*
SubKamran said:

*crosses fingers*
Maybe they aren't from a digital camera and he is waiting for them to be developed. :p
Haha good info. Well new pics of HL2 and CS:S...thats always good. I wonder if he found anything else out, anything really new.....tf2..maybe?
I don't think he's in the talking about his visit mood right now, he just ignores me :[
I guess we will have to wait for his article to be out, which will probably be tomorrow.
I simply asked him "any new info on TF2, or any other unknown multiplayer details? yes or no will work :D" and his response was "dunno yet" lol, something fishy about that i presume. How can you not know yet :D, maybe he has to be cleared by valve first to give away the details!!
SubKamran said:
Confirmed by him: YES NEW SCREENSHOTS!

How? you asked him on irc?

oh and, HL2 right? I've seen nuff of cs:s.
Here is an update:

He apparently has NEW new info to release(credit goes to subkamran)
His article is pretty much done and he's waiting on the screenshots from Valve
He has 2 articles <Halflife_84|CH> One article talking about my CS:S playtest --- which will be pretty much a play by play.... and the other will be the questions I asked VALVe

Also Lans it seems to me he has new HL2 screenshots, along with cs:s
ThomasToad said:
Here is an update:

He apparently has NEW new info to release(credit goes to subkamran)
His article is pretty much done and he's waiting on the screenshots from Valve
He has 2 articles <Halflife_84|CH> One article talking about my CS:S playtest --- which will be pretty much a play by play.... and the other will be the questions I asked VALVe

Also Lans it seems to me he has new HL2 screenshots, along with cs:s
This is sounding even better than I thought!
Sai said:
harryz when actually did the dude post that on the site?

I saw the post about 12:00 GMT. New HL2 screenshots? Cool. I would expect an article written up and I would expect to not come out today.
Harryz said:
I saw the post about 12:00 GMT. New HL2 screenshots? Cool. I would expect an article written up and I would expect to not come out today.

Well he told me he is pretty much done with the article, he is just waiting for the screenshots to be sent from Valve, sounds like it will definitely be out today to me.
ThomasToad said:
Well he told me he is pretty much done with the article, he is just waiting for the screenshots to be sent from Valve, sounds like it will definitely be out today to me.

Yeah, I know. Knowing Valve, they will take their time releasing the screenshots - which I don't mind since we will eventually recieve them.
Finally!...some proper new media worthy of recognition!

Thanks Sub and Toad for the tid bit.
ThomasToad said:
I simply asked him "any new info on TF2, or any other unknown multiplayer details? yes or no will work :D" and his response was "dunno yet" lol, something fishy about that i presume. How can you not know yet :D, maybe he has to be cleared by valve first to give away the details!!

He probably just said dunno yet like what the rest of us would say. If anything he asked a question about TF2 and they gave him a sketchy answer or fishy remark about it that may be good or bad.
Could you try to get this news on the front page on Seems to be lots of spankin' new info. Plus I want to know the minute this info is out!!! Thanks again Mr. Toad!
Planet Half-Life has gotten a lot more respectable now that Fragmaster is gone. Looking forward to the article.
I think he fell asleep...or something, he's been gone for a while so I don't really know what's going on.
NJD2003 said:
Yeah I want news!!!

I think you'll be pleasantly grateful when he releases the new screens. :eek: I asked if there was AA or AF on, he said he did not know, but I really hope so.
Where is this news, though? I don't want news about news. I want news!
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