Planet X - a 2012 scenario.


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
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Everyone knows that 2012 is the year a few apocalyptic scenarios point to; the Mayan calendar ending on 2012 etc. However I, myself, until a few days ago haven't heard anything specific or something that could be backed up scientifically, only that "something will happen".

A few days ago, however, I heard about something more specific - Planet X. According to the scenario, it's on a long orbit and it's supposed to pass the Sun and Earth (once again) in 2012 causing massive weather anomalies etc. due to the heat and gravitational pull among other things. Unless it doesn't crash one of it's moons into us as well. By 2011 it's supposed to cover 60% of our sky above the horizon and it might be visible in the sky in Australia (about 1/4 the size of the sun) now. We've got a few Australians here, anyone seen it?

Here's a 5 part video about this.

Anyway, interesting theory, anyone here heard about it? Thoughts? I haven't researched this enough to decide myself.
I think that's silly, and yeah I've heard of this scenario before.

In my opinion the only thing from space we should be afraid of, besides comets and asteroids, are gamma ray bursts...
I'm up to part 3 so far. So far it's fairly interesting, and fairly ridiculous.
I think when the Mayan Calender reaches zero, magic will be rereleased into the world, and dragons will take the presidency in America (only beating Obama by snatching the often-ignored Flamebearer vote)
Why is it ridiculous? I'm not saying it's not, but I'm curious what exactly makes it ridiculous for you.
It's just ridiculous. Unbelievable and based on a wild string of theories and unproven facts that if any were untrue the whole theory would collapse. It's beset with humorous ties to religious prophecy and warnings, climaxing in an ending straight out of an old science fiction movie.

I found it slightly interesting though because of my fascination with space.

I was just wondering why planets are always round. What is the explanation for that?

Then I noticed in this image, there is an oblong shaped dwarf planet called Haumea.
Because most astronomers now think that Planet X doesn't exist, and was the result of some bad math. And if it did exist, we wouldn't know it's orbit in that kind of detail. Essentially this theory is completely made up.
Planets are round due to the gravitational potential they possess and the effect at the surface. For example, if you're on the top of a mountain, matter tends to fall down over time, and the surface of water and other liquids are flat from our point of view for the same reason, in truth they are spherical surfaces if we zoom out far enough. The more massive the planet, the greater the force generated at the surface and thus the more spherical it will be, hence why Mars, a relatively small planet, has the largest volcano in the solar system.
the chance of that happening is equal to the chance of Mccain being president
This lost all credibility in part 2, half the language was "let's guess" and "we should assume". What a total waste of my time. I hate these pretentious theorists who yap on smugly about their profound knowledge of our end.
the planet is actually called Neribu or something, 2012 is when it is closest to earth on it's orbit cycle.
I havent watched the video but isnt supposed that jupiter is like a giant magnet that atracts meteorites and that stuff and is the reason of why the earth wasnt hit by another massive meteorite like the one 65 millions years ago?
Great, another thing we should be scared of , first global warming then the hydrone colider now This. Whats the world coming to? Awnser - a place of crazyness.
I was going to say Oval, but changed my mind. I've been trying to fit oblong into a conversation for 25 years.

Anyway, this is oblong, but people often call it oval:
I was going to say Oval, but changed my mind. I've been trying to fit oblong into a conversation for 25 years.

Anyway, this is oblong, but people often call it oval.

Wow what looks strikingly like an oval :P
the hydrone colider
So I googled this out of curiosity, and all I could really find was that hydrone might be Turkish for "hidron." Which is what this blog seems to think the Large Hadron Collider is.

Congratulations, you not only misspelled it, you misspelled it in a different language (possibly, according to google and some guy's blog). :P

I was going to say Oval, but changed my mind. I've been trying to fit oblong into a conversation for 25 years.

Anyway, this is oblong, but people often call it oval:

So there.
We'll enlist Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich to stop Planet X before it reaches Earth.

No, we need to enlist the ROCKET REVENGERS!
Oh no! The end of the world is coming! Quick, buy our book!


Oval. An oblong-shaped planet would be like... a non-conformist Borg cube.

Giggled a bit about this.
This is just freaky. Not the video itself, but the fact that you decided to start this thread now.

Because I just found out about this literally like a few hours ago when I was searching for videos about space and planets and stuff like that on YouTube, and then accidentally stumbled across one of the videos about this Planet X. Freaky!
ain't heard about this scenario before... it's certainly different..
Whats the chance of McCain stealing the presidency?

Lets face it the US election is going to go down to another tie breaker and the final question will probably be on Vietnamese torture techniques of something :dozey:

As for the Planet X theory, it made for an amusing few minutes watching, but it because quite laughable later on, however it's reassuring that the US government will secrete away all the essential people whilst the rest of die horrible deaths. :D
I've spent too much time reading about 2012 and "end of the world" theories in general. It has come to the point where everything seems stupid now.
That is why YOU and the rest of the naysayers will PERISH before the might of the almighty DESTROYER.
For a forum that regularly criticizes the sensationalism of religion, it sure gets hyped on all this 2012 bullshit.
For a forum that regularly criticizes the sensationalism of religion, it sure gets hyped on all this 2012 bullshit.

What? We're only discussing a theory new to some of us. As you can see nobody here is convinced.
Some time ago i saw this documentary about the Mayan calendar, and how it doesnt and in 2012. In theory it doesnt end for another 3000 years orso...

"The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jos? Arg?elles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a misinterpretation."

LINK (its under the "long age" thingy)
