PlanetGabe o___O


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score

Poor Gabe, I feel sorry for him... :(


whahahahah lol rofl :E

well, you could see it as a fan site!
What do you mean, 'I hope its real'?
Nothing on a monitor is 'real' :)
That's really too frickin rude.....
POOOOOOOOR Mr. Newell, I still like you, no matter what people say.
It isn't his fault that we still don't have hl2, It's evil vivendi's fault!!!!

Activision forever :thumbs: :cheers:
damn website is not loading

[offtopic]200th w00t[/offtopic]
3. Who runs this site?
A: Nabe Gewell and the Justice League

lol! :d
from the FAQ:

"3. Who runs this site?
A: Nabe Gewell and the Justice League"

Whos Justice League?

"5. Does Gabe ever post on the forums?
A: He may one day."

aawww....poor poor them.
Someone should tell Gabe this, so he can post. because, like, these are the true Gabe fans! And nothing hurts a dedicated fan more than his idol ignoring him or not knowing of him. ;(
Well the site doesnt seem to make fun of Gabe in anyway, however I think he's gonna have pretty slow news updates.

People are weird.
lol I hope I never meet the person that created that site.... do you think he/she is in love with Gabe :O
The site plays "Im to sexy for my body" song in the background of the images. Most likley mocking him, I mean he is fat lololol am i rite?

Honestly though, gabe is sexy.
mustard2004 said:
seriously, some people need to learn how to draw.

oh and that website is so lame.. it looks like crap..
If they really wanted to make Gabe upset, they should atleast try to
make the website look professional.

The site plays "Im to sexy for my body" song in the background of the images. Most likley mocking him, I mean he is fat lololol am i rite?

Honestly though, gabe is sexy.
I hear you!

why would they try and make it look professional?

beacuse professional sites are taken more seriously.. :|
oh btw... i feel sorry for him... i mean gabe.
Gabe probably thinks the site is halarious.. :p it's not really offensive like the g0ts or JAPS.. I think it's fine how is it offensive besides including pictures that dont flatter his body image. I'm sure Gabe is extremely secure with himself.
Wow...someone needs to settle down with Gabe. :p
[South Park Cartman voice]Beef-Gabe![/South Park Cartman voice]

i dont feel sorry for gabe, im sure sumit like this doesnt bother him. he is not the only over weight person in america, the site is utter shit apart from some funny forum posts.

i hope they get bored and it dies soon :D