Planetside 2 looks pretty damn cool


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I don't particularly like Total Biscuit, but this game looks rad.

That it does!

All these new F2P titles seem so polished. This, Firefall, MechWarrior: Online! Can't wait to try them all!
Planetside 1 was absolutely epic in its heyday. Really stoked for this one
You guys catch TB's stream today? He'll be hosting one tomorrow and Wednesday as well.

Also is anyone participating in the PS2 Recruit Center app on Facebook? Trying to round up people for my outfit.
Planetsite? Did they change the name hahaha !

I love the concept of a persistent huge battle with territory and bases to capture, buuuut. The technology/weapons/vehicles I don't care for, and the combat dynamic of just respawning instantly and running out over and over is just bleh. Like Battlefield.
First point is a valid opinion (if you don't like the way things look, that's that), but you know that "respawning instantly and running out over and over" isn't going to be all that happens, you know? In the original Planetside you'd see people gear up for these huge battles and bring platoons of tanks and galaxy ships, air support and infantry, and mass up and fight. Bit of strategy to it more than just spawn then run like a chicken with your head cut off into battle.
Yeah, I suppose. But that's only in theory and gaming trends change. Look at the state of multiplayer FPS games. Doesn't bode well for how the general player base is going to act.
It happened before. Granted, it's different now due to PS2 being free to play, vs. PS1 where there was (and still is; what the heck, SOE?) a subscription fee. One can only hope though that through things like the mission system, and commanders, outfit perks, and their multi-channel VOIP system it'll help facilitate things like that.
You guys catch TB's stream today? He'll be hosting one tomorrow and Wednesday as well.

Also is anyone participating in the PS2 Recruit Center app on Facebook? Trying to round up people for my outfit.

I'll try and finish it up tomorrow.. but I will totally try and get in the beta.

Got in.

It's really good, it's got a planetside feel. I also can't help but feel 'bf3 in space and open world'.

The bases aren't all same-y like in PS1. I'm not totally sure if I'm under an NDA but one screenshot can't hurt. If there is then feel free to remove it.

It would look a whole lot less like BF3 if they didn't have almost the exact same neon blue text.

Also green. Can't wait for snowplanet, and commanders that know what they're doing. There better be command ranks, at least. I'll miss 'ALL GO TO X PLS PLS PLS'
SWIM got into beta for this. ****in awesome game. Really does have a massive feel. Looking forward to seeing more continents. They still have a lot of work to do but I'm really optimistic about PS2. It seems like the developers are seriously excited about the game and not just blowing smoke up everyone's asses like is often the case IMO
Had a chance to play and its awesome, also I happen to have one extra beta key on me... if anyone wants one PM me.

EDIT: Key given out.
If I didn't need to work or exercise and wasn't married I'd be all over this shit.

and...FIX THE THREAD TITLE TYPO FFS!!! :D It's been 4 months, and 3 months since it was pointed out.
Since the NDA was lifted awhile ago I can say that I've been in beta since it started. My impressions: To hell with all other games, this game is the shit. It's already the best FPS I've played in years, and it's only got like a third of its planned launch content in the current build.

If any HL2 bros are rolling Vanu on West 1 or EU 1 (server names are getting changed this week; not sure which servers are becoming which names on the list they provided), hopefully I'll see some of you around. If you're rolling TR or NC, I swear to god I'm going to put a purple plasma bullet in your face.
So I'm seriously considering buying this today for the open beta (and obviously the game when it's released next month).

I'm a HUGE fan of BF3, I play that game all the damn time. This game looks like BF3 in space, but bigger. Which is awesome. But these virtual credit things are kind of worrying me. Is this one of those games where you have more money, therefore better gear? Like Blacklight or Combat Arms? Because **** those games. Well, Blacklight isn't THAT bad, but still. I hate the concept of richer people having better gear. I mean just because I'm poor doesn't mean I should have a disadvantage :(
If anyone has a key left I can trade one for a Dota2 key.
I have ten keys to part with, PM me for details!
I got into the Beta two days ago, and played a lot today.. I really don't understand a lot of it. I don't know where you find where the action is. There's the "instant action" thing in your map screen, but every time I go (5 minute wait between jumps) the battle has like 4 million of my guys and like three of the enemy. I can't find a good battle to be in :(

I did, however, do a lone ranger thing and ran into the enemy base where none of my team was and killed a TON of them before they even knew I was there. Guess they thought they were safe.
Can someone give me a sales pitch for this game or wat.

I've been slightly intrigued by it for a while, but I don't understand what makes it an MMOFPSRPG or whatever, as opposed to a regular MP game like battlefield. Because it mostly looks like Battlefield in space.

Is there a lot of character customization?

Is there any PVE at all in the maps? I ask because a game like this would just seem reaaaaaally boring if there isn't a constant stream of tons of players, because the maps are so large, that it would quickly feel vacant.
It's the MMO of Arma/Battlefield. There is no PvE. You play to earn cash to spend on character upgrades to change the way you play. The customisation is more of tool for inventory and vehicles meet certain situations rather than to increase attributes your character has. You tackle points with your squad and sway the occupation of the continent to the faction you play as.

But yes, it's Battlefield in space.
It's the MMO of Arma/Battlefield. There is no PvE. You play to earn cash to spend on character upgrades to change the way you play. The customisation is more of tool for inventory and vehicles meet certain situations rather than to increase attributes your character has. You tackle points with your squad and sway the occupation of the continent to the faction you play as.

But yes, it's Battlefield in space.

Hehhh wehhhh.

I'll wait. Too many MP FPS games die right after birth.
Hehhh wehhhh.

I'll wait. Too many MP FPS games die right after birth.


This is Planetside 2, which builds off a very strong community base. Also it's free. Also international servers. This won't die.
I got a few beta keys in an email, PM me for PRESSING AND TIMELY DEETZ
New patch, they added health regen. So much rage at PS2's official forums.
I was like "these anarchist guys who look like judge dred seem p. cool" and then the most generic rock music started playing and I was like "lol"

fur real
Just got a key from a friend yesterday. I like the old-school BF/Halo feel that it has. It needs plenty of polish though.
Just got a key from a friend yesterday. I like the old-school BF/Halo feel that it has. It needs plenty of polish though.
This is actually a good comparison. Halo 1 that is. Feels very much like it.