Planning on calling in sick on release day?

Will you call in sick to work on release day?

  • Total voters
Jun 24, 2004
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I don't see how I would be able to even think about concentrating on work knowing that I could be playing !
Probably not.

But i will get a 6 pack of beer and sit there sniffing "new game smell" while the thing is installing.

Thats something you just cant get from Steam...
nubs! Heres a little advice for you. You NEVER call in sick, but instead take a "personal" day o_O
I have to go to school. DAMNIT! You better believe I'll come home and play it all day though. ;)
:( i had a year off this year from college i had a chance of playing hl2 all year round if it was released, this yr (september) im goin back to college!

really cheez's me off!

Plus i would be working in evenings, i can only play at night and sat/sun
Dura > did you know ur signature (website) has illegal content, which is forbidden?? suggest u take it off, before mods see it
KinGadY said:
Dura > did you know ur signature (website) has illegal content, which is forbidden?? suggest u take it off, before mods see it

Seeing as how I'm the creator of it, I wouldn't have to question myself about the content. Thanks for publicly displaying this and showing off your true blue fanboy potential.
dura said:
Seeing as how I'm the creator of it, I wouldn't have to question myself about the content. Thanks for publicly displaying this and showing off your true blue fanboy potential.
Thanks for volunteering to get banned.
Varsity said:
Thanks for volunteering to get banned.

I could honestly care less. I'll remove it if it's bothering all of you so much. Wouldn't want to make the community angry.

Now be a good pack of boys and stay on topic.
Please try to be less abrasive. I'm sure you're a real adult and everything but the rest of us don't appreciate it.
I can't believe anyone would consider missing work for a game (and screwing your colleagues). Even worse, missing school (and screwing yourself). HL2 is going to be great fun, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as the next guy, but it's VIRTUAL and wont disappear if you leave it for a few hours. If you find real life that boring, it's unfortunate.
Well Said The_Don

But the fact is, we've been waiting a whole year for it, we cant wait few hours!
The_Don said:
I can't believe anyone would consider missing work for a game (and screwing your colleagues). Even worse, missing school (and screwing yourself). HL2 is going to be great fun, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as the next guy, but it's VIRTUAL and wont disappear if you leave it for a few hours. If you find real life that boring, it's unfortunate.

I agree, you guys have been waiting this long for it, another 8 hours won't kill you...
I won't be able to concentrate in school knowing that HL2 is finally released. :(
Whats more important?

playing a game, missing some vital info for my apprentiship? Or, Working for 8 hours....

no, i think i will wait.

Plus games release on a friday in the Uk, so i wont be missing any play time anyway.
LOL, miss a day of work for a video game? Not a chance.
disruptioN_ said:
I won't be able to concentrate in school knowing that HL2 is finally released. :(

Yeah I hate that feeling.

I'll get up early, visit my Eb to pick up my preorded copy. Then during my first double lesson (when the teacher leaves the room) I'll taunt everyone. I can't wait to see all their faces. I won't be able to play it either so I'll just study the manual for the day. :bounce:
The_Don said:
I can't believe anyone would consider missing work for a game (and screwing your colleagues). Even worse, missing school (and screwing yourself). HL2 is going to be great fun, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as the next guy, but it's VIRTUAL and wont disappear if you leave it for a few hours. If you find real life that boring, it's unfortunate.

Also have to agree...

I'd rather not limit other areas of my life for a simple computer game. Work/school are MUCH more important even though it may not seem that way to some.

I kinda like being limited in playing time; makes the time I DO get to play seem that much more valuable and fun, rather than just playing for 15 hours straight.

It has been a year wait, so 8 hours more is a very small amount of time to wait ;)
Good points, as it is just a game of course. But it is only one day. Your really all model employees who only miss work for really important reasons? I've worked 3 years straight without taking a personal day, guess i figured I have one coming. Though I probably wouldn't even have the guts to phone up once the day actually did come I suppose!
SirOsisOfLiver said:
Good points, as it is just a game of course. But it is only one day. Your really all model employees who only miss work for really important reasons? I've worked 3 years straight without taking a personal day, guess i figured I have one coming. Though I probably wouldn't even have the guts to phone up once the day actually did come I suppose!

But I think it's more the fact that it's just a game which will be there at the end of the day, and that you'll be putting your place of work a person down.

I guess the question would be this: if you were working somewhere and someone took a day off for a computer game...wouldn't it kinda bug you that they would make more work for you and your place of work JUST for a game?

And as you said: it's only one day. So...on the reverse, if it's only one day (8 hours or so really) why not wait?
if the release date this fall means i have a university, and i won't miss it for hl2.

cause my future is more important than hl2.
For me personally it has nothing to do with being a good employee. It has nothing to do with workload. I would simply feel pathetic missing a day of work for a video game. I would be pissed if someone I depended on took a day off of work because of a video game.

I know everyone is excited to play this game. Myself included. But the expectations some people have for this *VIDEO GAME* are crazy. I have to admit I have a hard time taking video games seriously though. Especially seriously enough to call in sick or waste a vacation day.
If I worked and had a job like my dad's where I can call in and say I need a day off (certain amount of days off a year, but a lot) I would (But I would get the day AFTER the game is released off, not the day of the release), but since I'm in school and all I do is ref soccer and hockey, my plan is to go to school and just walk down to EB after school is over, and buy it...

Then...I dunno, wait for my dad to come pick me up after work I guess.

I'd feel guilty staying off a day...although the shear awesomeness of the game would make my mind forget EVERYTHING else going on, still...

I hope it's released on a Friday...because I'll surely be up late that night.
The day I get HL2, I will wait until evening to play the game, so the mood is just right. I will turn my speakers up, and enjoy. I will only play for a certain amount of time so as to not spoil too much of the game.

And I will shoot biozeminades.
I would call in sick but I have college, so... I might not go one day, but I wont be calling in sick because no job. This is going to be really harsh on my grades.
Ill just wait till the weekend and Ill become antisocial from- Friday to Sunday. I wouldnt miss a day of work though I mean what if its a big let down. Half Life 2 That is... So
To the people that refuse to miss work just for a game: bleh
If i had a job and didnt sit on my ass all day , i wuld probly still have a day off from work to play HL2, a