Planning on calling in sick on release day?

Will you call in sick to work on release day?

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Call in sick? Don't you mean 'fake-your-own-death'? Because that's what I'm doing when Half Life 2 comes out.
Warlock said:
Call in sick? Don't you mean 'fake-your-own-death'? Because that's what I'm doing when Half Life 2 comes out.

Lol faking your own death is a bit drastic, locking the door and pull phone cables out will do
I still have 5 days holiday owing
*laughs like Homer Simpson*
I'm not changing plans/schedules because of HL2...I don't want to have a nagging feeling I should be doing something different while I'm playing. Once I've got it I'll probably change my mind hehe...
As already pointed out, it will be released on Friday. I will take that Friday and the following Monday off, officially, as holiday. I have already informed my boss I wish to do this and he said it will be cool. 4 days of solid HL2 thank you very much!!!:D.

*Waits for solid HL2 release date to appear in one IE window whilst "Holiday booking form" is open in another* :D
to the Both! We will have an office LAN party going yeah! option. Those guys are lucky bastards :p
DjBourgeoisie said:
nubs! Heres a little advice for you. You NEVER call in sick, but instead take a "personal" day o_O
That sounds like you've taken an entire day off to masturbate...

EDIT: I'm a student and so am not familiar with the concept of work :hmph: No lectures for me that day...
"Hey [el Chi]... We're going out for a drink, you coming?"
"Must... Kill... Combine..."
I'm hoping my mom will call in sick for school. Im a damn bum, no job :)
I hope it comes out on a Friday, that would rock!!!..I will take that day off from work, go to the local EB Games and pickup my preordered copy of Platinum Edition and stop at the store on the way to the house to get some beer and munchies, put the phone off the hook and salivate through the install screens..... :cheers:
If I take a day off school, i wouldnt have a way to get to the mall or a store :( Since my school is 5 mins from the mall I will go get it at lunch and skip the next dau
I don't have school on Fridays, or Mondays, or Wednesdays. I love college.
Lol take a day off of work and then find out HL2 got delayed again that's real smart. I wouldn't put it past valve to delay it again you know what they did last time.

Week before release- HL2 WILL come out 9/30
Next day- delayed
im going to take a week off school lol maybe not. but ill for sure take the day off that is if the game is relaced on a weekday.
Kyo said:
Yeah I hate that feeling.

I'll get up early, visit my Eb to pick up my preorded copy. Then during my first double lesson (when the teacher leaves the room) I'll taunt everyone. I can't wait to see all their faces. I won't be able to play it either so I'll just study the manual for the day. :bounce:

FOOL!!!......Never open the box in front of the people you taunt...Bad things could happen.....
if you take the day off work/school to play a game then i have to wonder about you
I'm working on hopefullys here

Hopefully i get the grades i need for uni, hopefully it comes out (about a week) before 3rd of October, then i will hopefully be a happy bunny :)

No skiving needed :D
I wont miss School, I'll work bloody hard all week, then play it Friday night from 11 Pm to 2 AM when the house is silent, no one bodering you, no phone calls, no parents, only me my PC and Gordon Freman.
If I have a job by then it will be to pay for a new uber comp to play HL2, so no, i will not sacrifice the day's pay for it on top of the price.
I wonder why no one in this thread seems to have thought of this novelty called The Weekend.

No need to waste personal/sick/vacation days. Set the mood right, climb into your most omfortable chair, and play. Exceptionally good games ~40 hours in duration may warrant wasting one weekend. Last time I did this, I was playing Star Wars: KOTOR. It was worth every penny of my money and second of my time :)

Stan R.
Well seeing as my computer repair teacher is kickass she'll prolly join us in a HL2 lan party rofl! Heh I cant remember how many "movie days" i invented, but she let them slide anyways. w00tness
****, I will be in school, and I'm going to probbaly fail, thanks Valve!
I'll be in school ;( But I'll try to get the day off. I doubt I'll be able to though. School that day is gonna be hell, knowing that HL2 is waiting at home for me...
I'll just but the game on my way home from school. I'w waited a few years, so I can wait 5-7houres.
If I can convince the guys in the office to put down their xbox controllers and Halo for a few minutes, I could get a good game of HL2 going on in my office. Soon, 5:00 will be known as HL2 time instead of Halo time :P, which will inevitably be changed to Halo2 time when that comes out.. Damn xbox fiends..
Link said:
As already pointed out, it will be released on Friday. I will take that Friday and the following Monday off, officially, as holiday. I have already informed my boss I wish to do this and he said it will be cool. 4 days of solid HL2 thank you very much!!!:D.

*Waits for solid HL2 release date to appear in one IE window whilst "Holiday booking form" is open in another* :D
are you sure it will be released on friday? that is so awesome if it's true, i go to university and get fridays off! :D. so when it's released i will just play half life2 all day and think of the people that have to go to school or must skip school just to play halflife2 and laugh, laugh until i lose my voice.
but if it ISN'T released on friday, i will go to classes. a game isn't worth missing school in my opinion.
DrunkPanda said:
are you sure it will be released on friday? that is so awesome if it's true, i go to university and get fridays off! :D. so when it's released i will just play half life2 all day and think of the people that have to go to school or must skip school just to play halflife2 and laugh, laugh until i lose my voice.
but if it ISN'T released on friday, i will go to classes. a game isn't worth missing school in my opinion.

Usually in the UK it's a Friday. BUT, seeing as Valve are going for a simultaneous world release it's more likely to go with the "standard" release day of our US friends. Whatever that may be.

So, in short, don't count on it being a Friday!
I will probably be in school when it is released...but I might request time off for the release of Half-Life 2.
I will be in the school

but I dont think that the game will reach here the same time in northamerica

for example in this mont cronicles of ridick has finally reach my country

so I hope get HL2 in a time were I dont had school
By the time hl2 is out, my summer job will be over and I'll be at college. I've got classes on all 5 weekdays and I WONT be skipping a class to play a video game. I'll prolly state up all night playing it. (cause I'll be getting it via steam and being able to play starting at midnight! woo!)
i hope im not working that day.

i have to get a full time job now. so i plan to get it like this week.
show my fam how much i am at being a hard worker (lol) then say HL2 is out. and pull a sicky...All...Week ;) hehe