Plasma Basketball



Yesterday, I was playing team deathmatch, and a guy (his identity is irrelevant, as I'm not accusing him of anything) used a metal table and the gravity gun to jump on to the roof of one of the buildings around the main building in Overwatch. From what I've read, I guess he was using a gravity gun script. While on the roof, he was unkillable, which created quite a buzz, though I guess it just has to do with map edges stopping bullets etc, but not players.

Anyhow, this same guy was back later on, this time in Lockdown, where he completely raped the team I was on by using the gravity gun and plasma balls. He would shoot a plasma ball against a wall, catch it with the gravity gun, and keep the ball "live" by bouncing it off walls and catching it again while he was moving around. He would kill someone, catch the ball again, make another kill, catch it again and keep on rampaging, and his ability to retrieve the plasma ball was verging on the unbeliveable.

This guy is a skilled player, even when not playing "plasma basketball", but I wonder: Can a gravity gun script be aiding his ability to catch those balls? How can it "improve" the secondary fire of the grav gun? I've tried keeping a plasma ball alive by bouncing it off walls, but couldn't achieve anything close to the control this guy had.
You can catch the balls the same as you can catch anything else in midair. As far as I can tell, the balls might be shot with more force by the gravgun, but I don't think they're any easier to catch.
That's so cool that he did that though... I gotta hand it to the skillfullness
This sort of thing has been posted before, some guy called "josh" was messing around using the grav gun and plasma balls on Overwatch, creating "seesaws" using tables balanced on filing cabinets, he could shoot a ball at one end of the table while standing on the other end, The result being him propelled upwards and forwards, usually covering the map in one huge leap, The video he had for download, showed him reaching and walking on the roof, etc.

As far as I know he did'nt use any exploits or cheats, to achieve these jumps or tricks.

Personally I've found that keeping a ball "alive" for longer than a couple of throws and catches is very ,very difficult, as the ball seems to half a self destruct timer, That runs out after several seconds or so, I've even tried bouncing it off a wall and catching it, but it never seems to last for more than a few catches/bounces.
Man those things are hard as crap for me to catch....I'll sit there with the grav gun, holding it down while someone shoots a ball at me and just plain death... :flame:
I've only ever managed to catch the orb once after it was shot, and never managed to catch it again after initially letting go with the grav gun. It does move considerably faster, probably in the vacinity of 50-70% faster once it's been released from the grav gun. Interestingly, if you just right-click to 'drop' it, it still flies at a massive speed away from you.
i don't think you need a script. i just shoot the plasma, press g, right click, and catch the plasma ball before it gets too far. don't even have to bounce it on a wall or anything like that.
Practice it a bit, every time you pick up the combine ball the timer is reset on it. When shooting try to do so in close quarters, you cant catch it until itt bounces at least once and the first bounce is almast always in a random direction.
This sort of thing has been posted before, some guy called "josh" was messing around using the grav gun and plasma balls on Overwatch, creating "seesaws" using tables balanced on filing cabinets, he could shoot a ball at one end of the table while standing on the other end, The result being him propelled upwards and forwards, usually covering the map in one huge leap, The video he had for download, showed him reaching and walking on the roof, etc.

I've done it, too. Once you've got it all set up, it's not hard at all. Easier than grav jumping, actually.
Man, it's only luck if I manage to catch a plasma ball. I think I've caught maybe three or four, and only managed to kill someone with the caught ball once.
notmydesk said:
Man, it's only luck if I manage to catch a plasma ball. I think I've caught maybe three or four, and only managed to kill someone with the caught ball once.

Yes, catching those balls are far from easy. In the lockdown game I mentioned, I faced him with grav gun ready in the small "examination room" where the magnum is located, managed to catch his plasma ball and launched it back at him. Of course, he caught the ball again, and this time he jumped while launching the ball, and this change of trajectory was enough to fool my attempt to catch it again.
I have no problem keeping a ball alive for as long as I want,just takes a bit of pratice.
Sieg said:
I have no problem keeping a ball alive for as long as I want,just takes a bit of pratice.

While you are moving around the map, or staying in the same place?
The same effect can be acheived with grenades, when you pick them up the timer on them is extended. The only thing is, grenades stink in comparison a combine ball.