Play Valve's Portal, today! For free!

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I can't play this for too long though. It makes me sick (headache). It's weird. This is essentially the first game to do so. Bah. D:

The first level of HL1 made me quite sick too. When you have nor crowbar, nor crosshair.
soo, no source ? okay, move along. :eek:

If ND is included and the price doesn't go up, either the amount of time put into Episode 2 goes down, or their profits per sale go down. Companies aren't famous for taking profit cuts.

That said they could be banking on getting more sales because of the bundling, more sales @ less profit per sale could equal more profit.

it does? i did not know that i thought only tf2 came free with it.

Ep2, TF2 and Portal all in one tasty package.
I played this from start to finish and found enjoyment in it, except those pesky boulders.

If I found this fun, I likely will find Portal fun.
I won't play HL1 'cos it's got more bugs than a steaming pile of shit on a hot day, which is a pretty good analogy, I feel.

Shame on Raziel for not trying out ND though, the gameplay shines through - one of quite a few games that is rewarding to just piss around in (other examples: The Incredible Machine, GTA, Garry's Mod, Armadillo Run.. hell, anything with physics).

The number of ways you can use portals to violate the laws of physics... it's fun!
HL1 is full of bugs? WTF? What a load.

Perhaps you should TRY playing it before you affix such a label to it.
I won't play HL1 'cos it's got more bugs than a steaming pile of shit on a hot day, which is a pretty good analogy, I feel.

Shame on Raziel for not trying out ND though, the gameplay shines through - one of quite a few games that is rewarding to just piss around in (other examples: The Incredible Machine, GTA, Garry's Mod, Armadillo Run.. hell, anything with physics).

The number of ways you can use portals to violate the laws of physics... it's fun!

uh hl1 has no bugs and if there is name them with a screenshot. also your saying you like narbacular drop more then hl1....?
I have played Half-Life 1 a lot, the early versions were very buggy and it isn't totally bug-free now - alt+tab'ing it can still lock up your entire computer, for example.

Examples of older bugs (think these are fixed in the current version):
Alt+tab causing the sound to cut out
Going to menu and back into game resulting in messed up visuals (quite often, everything is purple for some reason)
Game browser locking up routers when you try to browse games

Oh and for the record I think Half-Life 1 is a fantastic game, ND is currently more fun for me but I'm hardly going to get as many hours of gameplay out of it. But bug-free, it ain't.
Firstly, I thought it was really fun.

But did I even play the same game? Someone said the graphics were really good, and everyone says they can't believe it was free.

All I saw was a crappy princess in bland original quake style graphics, and 4 or 5 levels lasting about 15 minutes. Not to mention it was impossible to judge where to put the portals in the vertical one - the perspective was distorted for me. And I couldn't see through portals. I think my vid card is messed up though.

Have I been playing some other version or what?
You've been playing "Narbacular Drop", which is a short, slightly unpolished game made a while ago by some Digipen students - who have since been hired by Valve to make "Portal". ND has pretty poor graphics, and it sounds like you're being further troubled by bugs - you should be able to see through portals, not only does it make the vertical level much easier but it's a pretty cool visual to see.
I have played Half-Life 1 a lot, the early versions were very buggy and it isn't totally bug-free now - alt+tab'ing it can still lock up your entire computer, for example.

Examples of older bugs (think these are fixed in the current version):
Alt+tab causing the sound to cut out
Going to menu and back into game resulting in messed up visuals (quite often, everything is purple for some reason)
Game browser locking up routers when you try to browse games

Oh and for the record I think Half-Life 1 is a fantastic game, ND is currently more fun for me but I'm hardly going to get as many hours of gameplay out of it. But bug-free, it ain't.

I have none of the above problems on my PC. You are running STEAM, right?
Firstly, I thought it was really fun.

But did I even play the same game? Someone said the graphics were really good, and everyone says they can't believe it was free.

All I saw was a crappy princess in bland original quake style graphics, and 4 or 5 levels lasting about 15 minutes. Not to mention it was impossible to judge where to put the portals in the vertical one - the perspective was distorted for me. And I couldn't see through portals. I think my vid card is messed up though.

Have I been playing some other version or what?
i had the same problem at first, but what you do is put one portal up, put another one on the side wall at the same level as you. look through the side portal and keep adjusting the top portal until you can see the pillar right in the middle of the side portal :). btw, i did the last level with the boulders flying everywehre the "hard" way, i just went really fast and the rocks didn't have a chance to fall on me :p
Play Valve's Portal, today! For free!

That is what you put as the title. You tool.

Why would you lie so badly? You must be american, or an employee of Apples sales dept, or both.

Your link has nothing to do with Valve's Portal at all. Valve's portal is an entirely different game, that is based on ND. That's like saying "Get the brand new Grand Theft Auto - today! For free!!!!", -and then linking to GTA 1.


What you meant (and anyone with half a brain would have put) was, "Play the game that Valve's 'Portal' is based on, today! For free!
that sucks im stuck on the 3rd level and you cant save it ?!
That is what you put as the title. You tool.

Why would you lie so badly? You must be american, or an employee of Apples sales dept, or both.

Your link has nothing to do with Valve's Portal at all. Valve's portal is an entirely different game, that is based on ND. That's like saying "Get the brand new Grand Theft Auto - today! For free!!!!", -and then linking to GTA 1.


What you meant (and anyone with half a brain would have put) was, "Play the game that Valve's 'Portal' is based on, today! For free!
Don't be so gullable in future.
That is what you put as the title. You tool.

Why would you lie so badly? You must be american, or an employee of Apples sales dept, or both.

Your link has nothing to do with Valve's Portal at all. Valve's portal is an entirely different game, that is based on ND. That's like saying "Get the brand new Grand Theft Auto - today! For free!!!!", -and then linking to GTA 1.


What you meant (and anyone with half a brain would have put) was, "Play the game that Valve's 'Portal' is based on, today! For free!

GTFO troll.

In this post there is:
- rascism
- prejudice against Apple
- insults
- completely redundant content (You seriously think no one would have noticed?)
- you think he doesn't know that they are different games?

Evidence proved; hope you get banned; kthxbai.

EDIT: Double post, sorrai.
Stucco is probably crying becuase he thought someone found a warez link to a leaked beta when he saw the thread title. Bastard.
Actually, I think he's a bit mad that he can't get the Portal beta.

Stucco said:
That's like saying "Get the brand new Grand Theft Auto - today! For free!!!!", -and then linking to GTA 1.

He probably thinks that Apos is advertising for ND.

Read the thread, Stucco-cum-n00b.
Stucco is probably crying becuase he thought someone found a warez link to a leaked beta when he saw the thread title. Bastard.
bigburpco said:
Actually, I think he's a bit mad that he can't get the Portal beta.

He probably thinks that Apos is advertising for ND.

Read the thread, Stucco-cum-n00b.
Wow- I guess there IS a fan boy for everything - even the "bad thread" fanboy. He will defend the stupidest threads and their sad titles to the end. How entertaining.

Yes. These forums are exactly the kind of place that warez links frollic around the threads freely, so naturally I assumed yet another illegal warez link awaited me, at the warez community stomping ground that is I love warez, and this is the first place I would come to look for them. Your assessment of the situation is entirely correct. (Do I need to explain how sarcasm works at this point, or do you get where I'm going with this?) Go back to trading your pokemon cards, or whatever you kids do these days, and leave assumptions to be made by people that have a clue. I don't want some half-finished, stolen and hacked piece of software on my PC.

The thread title fails, and, as ND has had the sh*t posted out of it lately, it seems that if you call ND "Valve's Portal", you can thrash it some more. All it takes is some posters with below average IQ to lap it up and add more re-gurgitated crap to your thread, and you have a "new" thread.

Badly labled thread titles are made by people who's career prospects go no higher than being a McDonalds worker, and that's how most people will think of you. You slide right in with the "omg liek u r teh roxors!!!one" tards.

Not to mention there is an "Episode 2 & Portal" forum, where this redundant thread "should" have been started -if the author had any clue. The fact that this thread exists, the title of it, and the forum it was started in, suggest otherwise.

Why do I care? A mixture of boredom, and a strong contempt for blatant, obvious lying, and sheer stupidity. Because of stupid people, things like bleach have "do not drink" written all over them, reminding you just how many morons are in this world need to be told every time you use stuff like that. Being a kid, you must have noticed the choice of, say, over the counter fireworks has gone from skyrockets, exploding ones etc, etc, almost down to sparklers only - because some retards coudn't work out that you don't hold explosives in you hand, or aim skyrockets at your mates eyes. The masses are punished because a few tards can't stop and think about the VERY obvious consequences.
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