Player Names in Color

Colored Names?

  • Yes, Colored Names to add some freakin variety!

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • Nah B, leave it alone. Red and Blue!

    Votes: 29 67.4%

  • Total voters


May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Should you be able to have your name be in color when people view it with TAB, and be Red or Blue on the kill info on the top right of the screen like in Call of Duty?
I think it would add a bit of variety, but it would need to be restricted - multicolour names can detract from the 'realism' or 'fun' or 'whatever' I reckon! In CoD and Trackmania, for example, it's rather over the top.
However, maybe it's just because I don't know how to do it myself, and I'm jealous :P
I think Call of Duty had that for the scoreboard and all it did was distract me.
heh, speaking of COD, one of my friends was the only one that knoew how to get it, and yeha, it was distracting.
If you want colour names in quake 3 engine games just use the ^ function followed by a number from 1 - 9.





It looks complex but its easier when typing it out. If you ask me though coloured names are distracting and a waste of time.
i think its all good.

in et my clan uses colours for the clan title and player names.
I think color names add a bit of fun, but you can go overboard with it. I'd like to see it as a feature though.