Playing as the Infected is AWESOME!


May 8, 2004
Reaction score
I just played for about an hour, and boy, I had a good time. I think the Smoker is my favorite so far. Rooftops are my greatest ally. :cheese:
I can't wait to play the Tank. Scaring the living hell out of everyone simply appeals to me in ways indescribable.
Ohh its so damn fun :D

I love playing as the hunter and pouncing on people! RAHEHHH!!!!
First time I played as the tank I got the All 4 Dead achievement.

It was a punch fest.
Holy Shit is it ever!

It is such a thrill to pounce/tongue/vomit a survivor at the worst possible moment for them (in conjunction with your zombiemates most of the time) and watch them be totally screwed over.

Taking out stragglers is fun too:

ooh falling behind are we?
oh look we fell down the ladder
oh look your teammates are two ladders away
oh dear seems like they've forgotten about you, too busy fending off my friends on the Mercy Hospital roof I fear.
On a related note the alltalk option ruins versus mode. I played a versus game with this on yesterday and nobody on either team could co-ordinate easily -.-
Smoker is my favorite, but unfortunately, with a new game comes new morons.

You'll play with people who have no clue how to work as a team, or strategize as an infected. So you'll get assholes who will shout "COME ON, RUN AFTER UM, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" when they are getting wasted by the survivors because they can see you a ****ing mile away.

But low and behold, 3 out of the 5 times playing as the infected I was one of the major keys to bringing down the survivors simply because I was patient and picked good areas to spawn/hide/attack.
versus is fantastic....i couldn't even tell you which infected is my favorite seeing how they are all amazing!
Any reason why we can't play campaigns 2 & 3 in versus mode?
Wow you guys are really loving the crap out of L4D and i'm getting it later today. Damn i'm hyped for this game...
The infected are indeed awesome. I used to think Boomer was crap, he is actually really good.

Just spit on them when they are healing and either run back round and corner and climb somewhere, or run in and cause havock with your horde. Either way, its good fun :D
I played as the infected for the first time last night. I was the only infected vs 4 survivors and at first I sucked and they were calling me names and laughing at me. Then I started to get the hang of it and began picking them off one by one. I patiently started waiting for one them to be the hero and wonder off alone. Towards the end of the map I started killing every survivor and eventually killed them all. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!?!?!?!?!?! :)
Welcome to the forums, G0d...

I too enjoy the infected side. I like the Smoker as my favorite, followed closely by the hunter.
Protip for boomers, if you jump from high enough and hit the ground you blow up and splash the survivors. Works great if you jump in the middle of all four :D
Having a look at the game files, it is clear that a Versus version of Death Toll has existed at some point, it may be that those 2 simply wernt ready for versus play at time of launch, or that the map design just didnt suit it.
There are a few map changes between campaign and versus mode aren't there?

I think the minigun building at the No Mercy finale is a bit different for one thing.
Well the stand point at the finale of No Mercy is different all together, there's a back way for more infected to get to you and no secondary roof for you to snipe at.