Playing CS on same router



My stepfather and I both have separate steam accounts. We both bought 2 copies CS: Source and are unable to play on the server together. One of us can get onto a server but the other can't. We are both hooked to the same router. If someone could help me solve this problem It would me much appreciated.
That's because your ISP is only assigning 1 IP to you. Your router gives two internal IP's to each of your computers, but it only has one external IP to your ISP.

Assuming you have cable or DSL, you'd have to contact your ISP and pay an extra monthly fee for another IP address.

This is all assuming however that Steam only lets one steam account sign on per IP, which is logical but I'm not sure if that's the way it actually works.

It could also be the fact that whatever server you are trying to connect to will not accept multiple connections from the same IP. can both connect to the same server with the same IP. I have done it before now at a LAN. I think your telling porkeys and are using the same account!!
Hmm i am using a router to and have 2 accounts to but i am able to go on the same server dont know whats your pb .

I'm able to have multiple people on the same server using steam as well. It doesn't seem to be an issue.
deltron zero said:
I've had 2 steam accounts on the same server from router with no problem.
Same, haven't had any problems.
nagual678 said:
they were pretty obviously wrong, think of cybercafes

Wow I guess I should apologize for trying to throw some ideas out there to help somebody.

Instead of being a jackass why don't you offer some suggestions on how to help?