Playstation 2


Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
I'm old school. I never bought a PS2 and now my friend is getting PS3 the day it comes out and he gave me his PS2. I never got it because I'm not much of a console man. Now I need a good list of PS2 games because I never payed attention to them.

I'm into basically any type of army game! FPS personally...umm into any type of killing really...soo give me a good list and ill pry be appreciative!
SOCOM II Only if you can play it online though. By far the best Online game for the PS2. The sequals just aren't the same.
Then I don't think it would be worth the money. I know that Black was a hit, though I never played it for myself. I don't really know a whole lot about PS2 games because the only game I ever really played was SOCOM II online. :D
I just got one too, i'll just suggest the games that I bought as well

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 +2
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn
Dragon Quest VIII
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Gran Turismo 4
X Men Legends II
Jak & Daxter
Jak II
God of War
Tenchu: Wrath of HEaven
Twisted Metal Black (Meh).
I never got a PS2 either, I got an xbox. So I was thinking of getting a ps2 and possibly selling my xbox and its games. I want to play FF X , FFXII, MGS 2 and 3 and also some old PS1 games (backwards compatability)
All these posts and no mention of Shadow of the Collosus or Ico... :(

I think there was a similar post to this not too long ago, and I don't want to repost everything, so here's some highlights...

^Shadow of the Collosus
Jak 2 / 3
MGS 2 / 3
GTA 3 / VC / SA
God of War
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Ratchet & Clank: Up your Arsenal / [forgot the name of latest one NOT deadlock]
etc etc etc...

Honestly there's so many damn games it's hard to mention, hell just the Triple-A titles alone would take a helluva long time to type, let alone the 'good games'.
I'm going to borrow my friends when he gets his Playstation 3 and play through all the SquareEnix games i missed, except for FFXI.