Playstation 3 Fact Rub!


Aug 10, 2004
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This is an article taken from issue 49 of the offical playstation magazine:

PS3 will be powered by a new super chip codenamed CELL. Its ridiculously powerful. More powerful than humans can feasibly imagine. as well as being used used in the PS3, the CELL will power Pcs and new TVs that have computers inside them.. The new storage format for PS3 will be blu ray technology: discs made largely from paper, which hold more information than five DVDs put together.. The PS3 will come in two flavours. First, a stripped down gamers version that plays PS3 games and movies. second, a more advanced model that has added functions like a hard-drive and the capability to work as a home server, ie, the central hub of all your entertaiment gadgets... PSX and PSP will beable to jack in to the PS3 linking to it wirelessly and sharing it's power. Imagine storing a film on PS3 and then watching it elsewere in the house through the PSP. The best guesstimate for the PS3's release is spring 2006... However, it's reckoned by Sony that the PS2 is currently only halfway through its life cycle. that means new game software will continue to be made up until 2008, even if the PS3 is released in 2006... Confirmed PS3 games include METAL GEAR SOLID 4, GRAN TURISMO 5, GTA ONLINE...
God damn, will the Metal Gear Solid series ever stop? I was hoping Metal Gear Solid 3 would tie up the story altogether somehow. Bah, looks like another twist ending after the credits.
The PS3 sound pretty powerful! with lots of nice feattures don't you think? i'm defiantly getting one when they come out! Also paper discs? what will they think of next? :laugh:
Blu-Ray discs aren't necessarily made out of paper. There are paper discs that use Blu-Ray technology but I think that most BR discs are just made out of plastic. The paper ones can't fit as much information on and they're not as reliable.
it may seem impressive now, but when its released, a mainstream pc will rape it.
BaNDiT said:
it may seem impressive now, but when its released, a mainstream pc will rape it.

Truer words were never spoken.
JimmehH said:
Blu-Ray discs aren't necessarily made out of paper. There are paper discs that use Blu-Ray technology but I think that most BR discs are just made out of plastic. The paper ones can't fit as much information on and they're not as reliable.

Yeah ok I was only joking :rolleyes:
cell processors will be amazing when they exist....but if PS3 isn't coming out till spring 2006, xbx2 and the next nintendo thing will rape it in sales.
Whats wrong with MGS? :D

I only played the first game (ps one) but I loved it...
I've played the first two and i loved them!! and still do, But what was that skateboarding MGS all about???
actually kojima said at gphoria that he hoped to continue bringing the mgs series to its fans, therefore i don't think he is dropping mgs... why would he? its a fantastic series, i hope it lives on just as long as the pants megaman has, mgs has every right to be a long running franchise, great characters, continually engaging story/plots, and awesome controls/gameply/graphics, why would you want it to end?
un0x said:
Whats wrong with MGS? :D

I only played the first game (ps one) but I loved it...

There's nothing wrong with it, apart from how the story just keeps dragging out. I was quite hoping that MGS3 would tie up all the loose ends, but if there's a 4th game in the "solid" series (eep), that means some twist or unexplained revelation will end up annoying me after the credits.
I'm pretty sure the orignal Metal Gear Solid game was a retro game and it was called metal gear - although this could just be my mind playing tricks on me... again. :dozey:
If you read another magazine (i think it was EGM), they had an article about how when developers got test hardware for the PS3 from Sony, after a few minutes of play, the console overheated and began to melt. They requested a new console and instead of leaving it on a desk, they modified a mini-fridge to let the controler cords come through and stuck the PS3 in there in order to get stable play :dozey:

Sony has work to do
bud7miker said:
I'm pretty sure the orignal Metal Gear Solid game was a retro game and it was called metal gear - although this could just be my mind playing tricks on me... again. :dozey:

Yes, it is, it was on the MSX in 1987. I just wish they'd tie everything together, it's starting to get annoying.