PlayStation 5 to Allow Digital Immortality

And cyber sex will take on an entirely new meaning...

Im in shock. This is insane! Thx for the link.
"If you draw the timelines, realistically by 2050 we would expect to be able to download your mind into a machine, so when you die it's not a major career problem," Pearson told The Observer.
in 2050 I'll be 64 and hopefully very rich! That's if the world doesn't end of course.
Brings up the old question though: if your mind is saved to a computer when you die, is it really you or just code emulating your behaviour?

Not having death as a 'major career problem' might be fun for a while though
When you die, do you die or are you now the computer? How would anyone know? The computer would think it was you and you wouldn't be able to do anything because you are dead....
And what effect would a computer brain have on a persons concious? It seems to me, any display of feelings would be completely false... if they displayed any at all.
Oh great, just great, I don't believe this one shiet, a computer part, transistors, will never be able to replace the organic human mind, perhaps a mix of the two, yes, but not only the computer part imo.
And if this actually works out, it can be to some horrible benifits, hell, a President could decide to be President for 1000 years and actually do it.

Also, just to add, I think this is disgusting, albeit I don't believe in a god, I don't believe we should do things like this even if it's possible.
There's a difference in helping persons survive and making a computer clone of'em.:\

I agree with what Farrow said also, I bet if they made a copy of Bill Gates all that copy'd be saying would be "Buy Windows, it's a great system."
Gargantou said:
Oh great, just great, I don't believe this one shiet, a computer part, transistors, will never be able to replace the organic human mind, perhaps a mix of the two, yes, but not only the computer part imo.
And if this actually works out, it can be to some horrible benifits, hell, a President could decide to be President for 1000 years and actually do it.

Also, just to add, I think this is disgusting, albeit I don't believe in a god, I don't believe we should do things like this even if it's possible.
There's a difference in helping persons survive and making a computer clone of'em.:\

I agree with what Farrow said also, I bet if they made a copy of Bill Gates all that copy'd be saying would be "Buy Windows, it's a great system."

Not realy, his brain would crash and he would just sit there going "beep beep beep beep" for all eternity.
Gargantou said:
I agree with what Farrow said also, I bet if they made a copy of Bill Gates all that copy'd be saying would be "Buy Windows, it's a great system."

That's all Bill Gates says anyway.
Hey, as long as Microsoft doesn't make the software, I'm all for downloading my brain into a computer. It's better than death.
I'll forever be immortal :D

"Hey, no, don't flick that switch you asshole! No wai - "

Hacking would suddenly turn into murder! Geeks everywhere would become the new criminal stereotypes!
GhostBoi said:
I hate to break it to you, but we won't make it that long .

Anything can happen in twenty years, anything. (Or however long until the fabled, oil crash)
mortiz said:
Hey, as long as Microsoft doesn't make the software, I'm all for downloading my brain into a computer. It's better than death.
You know, -you- -your consience- would still experience death, the only thing as far as I understand is it that you'd have a virtual copy of yourself stored on a computer that could continue "living" after the original(i.e. you) is dead.
Yea this stuff has been around for a while (I first read about it last year) and it's really interesting stuff.

I think they've said they've already got some really small brains on computers, or parts of them or something.

If I remember right, there are two ways to doing it, destructive and non-destructive. Destructive means they put in like nano-robots into your skull, and they suck up all the information, but desroy the brain in the process (but hey, if you're dead it won't matter), but non-destructive scans the brain like layer at a time. That was the general jist of what I remember.

Wierd stuff...
Imagine you have some kind of neural implant that helps you remember by stimulating parts of your brain, or whatever. You're certainly not dead - far from it - you remember things far better and are a lively person. As your brain cells age they are replaced one by one by nanorobots. 70 years later you have less than 10% of your natural brain left, and in 120 years you are completely and utterly cybernetic, probably body included. Are you 'dead'? When did you 'die'? Are you human?

My answer would probably be somewhere along the lines of "who the hell cares/sure they're human/where do I sign!?"
Imagine being a conciousness living within the trillions of transisters in a machine ... you'd be able to hax0r from the inside :D
Ever fooled someone into doing/believing something? Then you've done just that, only in 'wetware'. I guess social engineering = neurological wetware hacking :D
GhostBoi said:
I hate to break it to you, but we won't make it that long .

As far fetched as this sounds you maybe right, there will be big events in my lifetime that may prevent me and others my age from ever seeing a PS5 or being able to have my brain dl into a computer or making it into the year 2060 or whenever....if it doesnt come from not being able to replace oil with hydrogen or what not, its gonna come from ww3 over what is left unfortunatly most of the world isnt ready to grasp or deal with this fact yet and the people (older people) that do understand this just dont care simply for the fact that they wont be around long enough to see this happen.
Woah. This was an episode of Max Headroom.. old people's personas were supposedly being transfered to computers for imortality., but their representations were feeble minded and demented.

Even if you do have a computer that is "as powerfull as a human brain", that doesnt mean it can simulate one,. and how in ****s sake are you supposed to transfer the real perceptual state of the brain to a computer and have it remain intact? (with memories, feelings, opinions, etc..)

And then, even if you DID do it,. that thing in the computer still isnt you, but an elaborate simulation.

That guy is cracked in the skull. Some people just cant accept that we all have to die.
Well as long as they transfer my mind into a computer controlled 1980's granada 2.8 ghia estate i'll be happy.

Seriously though, there are some real serious issues that crop up, need to be thought over carefully, very carefully.
Life has stayed stable for millions of years, with the invention and such power we have now we have to also have responsibility.
I can't imagine what would happen if we all uploaded our brains and then we had a BSOD.
Well , if conversations in this PS5-tech digital afterlife are going to be anything like the arguments that rage in these threads , then I`ll take good old fasioned brain death any day.
Heh, this is a thread without an argument - maybe you need your ps5 checked?
wow, if thats possible, then uploading data to the brian is possible.

imagine you can upload any book into your brian, (The end of universities and schools..coming soon) :D
there’s already people talking about the PlayStation 5, which apparently will be 1 TFLOP more powerful than God.

Funny as hell! :laugh:
Reminds me of Red Dwarf....

/me starts singing the Arnold Rimmer song