Please, Americans flame me, but....

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Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Vivendi has had HL2 for more than 72 hours now. They´d test it for 72 hours and if it was approved, it would be gold..

apparently it´s not gold since we have not heard a thing.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Turning on my computer again in 3 months and it still won´t be out..

First off, what do Americans have to do with anything. And secondly, the first RC may have been rejected, meaning another 72 hour period. Or they may just not do buissness on the weekends and we'll have to wait until Monday.
dont forget, vivendi does other stuff too.. plus theres international time differences, shift workers, office beuracracy, and the fact that viviendi or valve may not announce it straight away..
It's Sunday.

I thought they don't work on the weekend?
its a pretty big game, hours wise, and i suppose they would wanna complete and have a good look at what they are about to publish
Well perhaps they dont work on sundays, and that the time-difference if the reason why people like me, GMT+1 here in Sweden has not heard a thing yet. it 10.50 here now..
I know that if it´s not gold within the next 2 days, I will start crying because of madness...
why should americans flame you about that? :p

and who says vivendi is working during the weekend... :p
bliink said:
dont forget, vivendi does other stuff too.. plus theres international time differences, shift workers, office beuracracy, and the fact that viviendi or valve may not announce it straight away..

yup...but in the end i think some pple will be impatient regardless of the situation.. its sad i know.. :|
its sunday .... i dont think they are working sundays,,
btw, it's not gametesting...its mostly compatibility testing...
The QA works on weekends, valve does not. And the other part Vivendi probably don't work on weekends either.
I thought the Cs source beta was for compatibility and stress testing. They probably got some newb tester who is to busy staring at Alex and putting her in posistions to finish seeing if the sp campaign is breakable.
Im just so used with the fact that american 14-20 year olds flame others as soon as they get a possibility.. that´s it.
Ragnarokk said:
Maybe it's you and not them.

Hardly, Americans like to critisize and think they are the redeemers of all.. :) Let´s just leave it like that
We flame for good reason. Like the fact you asked us to flame you in your topic you dumb swede.
Has it been confirmed that "72 hours" means 24 hrs/day for 3 days (as opposed to 9 8-hour working days, or who-knows-what), or is that just incredibly obvious to everyone but me?
Ages120 said:
We flame for good reason. Like the fact you asked us to flame you in your topic you dumb swede.

haha, proven ignorant, stupid and american.. what more can I say..

go f*ck a sheep you ghey, with a half naked guy in your avatar. Your a failure in life.
HAHA! I love americans.. no matter how you talk to ém, they still think they are teh ones..

lets end this discussion
Or maybe Americans flame you because you act like a jackass. How's that for a nice self-fulfilling prophecy?

Get off the internet.

Inanimate - you started this thread with the deliberate intention of winding people up. Don't do it again.
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