Please die.....

If I hear it one more time I swear I'm going to kill the guy who created it by any means possible.
Yeah its the 'in thing' people seem to be talking about at the moment concerning phones. I heard that so long ago i can't even remember.

"...Ring dada ding ding ding ding dada ding ding ....RRRRRRIIIIINNNNGGGG DADA DING DING DING OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"...****ing annoying as hell. Luckily i don't hear it that much on the channels i watch.
Another thing that anoys me about ringtone ads is that even though they redo the ad for every channel (different codes for stats tracking), the make no effort to target the ads to the genres of the different channels.

So I'm stuck with Britney ringtones bleeping away when I've got Kerrang/MTV2 on....
If you have WAP, Bluetooth or Infa red on your phone it's just as easy to send higher quality ring tones to your phone for free as well.
The worst thing about that advert is that today while out spending some money, I saw a little girl walking along with her mum singing the "crazy frog" ringtone at the top of her voice. Sent shivers down my spine :P