Please! don't shot me!



haha,a interesting picture

Hehe wow, even though he's dead he's still standing!

I love the shiny hands by the way. Very... Shiny.
Hehe my hands look like that too, and all the other players look like they're wrapped in plastic. Glad to see someone else is having as much fun as I am.
Ben Esposito said:
Hehe my hands look like that too, and all the other players look like they're wrapped in plastic. Glad to see someone else is having as much fun as I am.
Me 2.
it's a bug of DX.:D
Happends to me if I change mat_dxlevel when Im in the game, or if I set it in the cfg; but only sometimes in the cfg...

If you turn on parent control they will all sit down kinda like that (giving up), and there will be no blood. :)
NO! it's
mat_fastnobump 0
and THIS solves the problem.
I get ragdolls like that quite often. They're cool though... always shoot them in the head to make sure they ARE dead :p
Quak_66 said:
NO! it's
mat_fastnobump 0
and THIS solves the problem.
NO! It's
mat_shineyhandsLOL 0
THIS is what solves the problems ¬_¬