Please Everyone Read......


Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
..Ok I too am very excited about getting half-life 2 in my dirty paws and seeing what all the secrecy has been about, but then again what about all these delays. The thing is why would they delay a game that is so anticipated, ten’s of communities dedicated to it with ten’s of forums jam packed with over 100,000 posts since nearly six months ago when it was first announced.
You think these guys are trying to tickle your todger for you fun of it?, why would a company relying on the success of this game, to feed there families and buy there kids toys do that?, just to tickle your todger?. What I think you should do is really think about how much work these guys have put into this actual game. Development of a new engine, a definite complex storyline that will make you want to kiss your hairy upper lipped grandmother.
I bet this game in there house holds has even caused arguments, “your spending too much time at work these days working on a game can you please come home earlier, me and the kids never see you”. Want to know why the guys at valve are really doing this, FOR YOU. They could have had run off with all the money that they earned from Half-Life and gone and lived in Miami for the rest of there lives, being served drinks at the pool bar. Did they do this? No. They spent a majority of the money on making a sequel, with no insurance that it would even get there hard work and investments back in the end.
Now some of you are insulting staff members and saying oh my god they screwed us over, I don’t know why and can you please tell me?. For a game that you will suck a donkeys dong for then I don’t really know why you would add to the whole ordeal for them by putting them down. You should be with them cheering them on. If you think about it 5 years is 60 months and on the great half-life 2 race we are just over 58/60 of the way there.

Thank you for reading, just my general ideas on the current situation.


p.s Also i would like to think, please post.
kupix didn't you hear? there is a official delay from DOUG! the man from valve said so
utilize the return key on your keyboard to separate your ideas in to paragraphs. i can't read that because it hurts my brain...

P.S. please don't bother editing your post, the vast majority of people probably dont want to read it anyway
shows how people are, too lazy to read something, but then critasize something else without any knownledge in the field they are talking about, dont this show you something?