
Feb 22, 2004
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Hey, i started by using maya then quickly shifted to ISX.

I am one of the few people actually using ISX for everything i do.

However i have never tried 3Dsmax? should I try it? what should i use?

I really want to try 3Dsmax, but i go to their site and they only offer a 30day demo. This really deosn't compete with the fully functional ISX.

Were can i get 3dsmax??? :(
From here

Just make sure you have a credit card handy ;)

The 30-day trial of 3ds max 6 is fully functional, and seeing as you just want to try it, this is perfect for you :)

p.s. it's XSI
or maybe try GMax ?

...infact, that aint a good idea, cause youll start another pointless thread about how crappy it is for exporting :p
Well, it really depends, how long have u used the others for? did u get used to any of them? because comparing different 3d modelling programs is like apples and oranges. If you get used to MAYA, then get 3DS Max, 3DS Max wont even look like a modelling program anymore, you wont know what to do. Same thing goes for all 3d programs, which is why there is so much debating about them, you simply just cannot compare them, its like aples n oranges, day n night. So simply, stick with what you start with, if you havent gotten used to any of them yet, i suggest starting with 3DS Max just because of its' realistic phisics engine [Reactor Dynamics], its' easy to use character rigging [Character studio], its' compatability with millions of scripts you can find @, its' compatability with the greatest rendering plugin of all time - Brazil r/s, and just soo much more.
30 day trial Why not just crack it. I bought it but if u dont wanna waste money Crack it
I'm used to ISX. It's great, I love the render tree, it makes life easy.
then whats the point in changing ?

oh, and most programs have a render tree, if its the same thing im thinking of.

PS. its XSI :p