[Please help] "GameInfo.txt doesn't exist at C:/Program"


May 22, 2003
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If anyone can help me with this I would be very grateful, there are one or two threads like this elseware but each of them go off topic and don't seem like they hold any answers.


It happens when I compile a map, HL2 starts to load then that pops up. On initial inspection it look like the gameinfo.txt is either in the wrong place, or Hammer is looking in the wrong place. But thanks to the very unhelpful error message it doesn't tell you where it's looking.

Thanks alot for any help!
I have the same problem, sorry i dont have the answer but i may have a place to start looking. In game configuration under game directory is where i think were supose to put the directory that has the gameinfo.txt. i've tried setting mine to halflife2/hl2 where ther is a gameinfo.txt but i run into the same problem as when i left it on the default section.

sorry all i know we still need a lot of help i think
Thanks for the reply, it's nice knowing other people have this problem and are trying to fix it also. Please reply to this thread if you hear anything that might help.

Thanks again.
After you have made sure that you configured Hammer properly and the problem presists.. place your Gameinfo.txt in the folder where you compile your maps too. that should fix your problem.
ANSWER: I had same problem and found nuffin about it so this what i did.

Deleted the SDK content and redownloaded and wallah worked again :laugh: :thumbs:

Quite simple really, make a folder in your root C: directory, name it anything (I named it GameInfo), then place your gameinfo text in that folder. After you have done this, load up hammer, goto the configuration menu, and point hammer (Game Directory) to the folder you have just created.

This worked for me!

After the first compile I got the could now find map error also, but I fixed it by changing the 'Hammer map Directory' and 'Place compiled maps here' settings to: 'SteamApps\[E-MAIL]\half-life 2\hl2\maps'..
i think i fixed the problem... an odd way. i created the folder c:/program and put the gameinfo.txt that was in the hl2 folder in it. now i just have to get the game to load the map, the game says that it dosnt exsist.

edit - whoa, beaten to it. thanks for clearing that up.
It fails if there is a space in the file path
Nope, ive been at this for some time,
tried everything on this board,
deleting source folder,(so that paths auto configure)
doing it manually etc
just cant seem to get this configured correctly
also, it says that it would display in (play games) as a third party
it doesnt, im running run_mod.bat insted but this should work no?

anyone got a picture of a working config.. so i can match

Same problem here...

GAAHH... it's so frustrating never getting it to work :angry:

Reinstalling SDK now... not that I think that it will help ;(
em happens when i go to run "test mod" and i have to configure it vai hamma, and i set hamma up the way i should off, and still asks for gameinfa
Its a lot easier to read if you spell things properly.

Also that doesnt explain very much. List the steps you go through e.g.

Start hammer
Open Map
Compile Map
Run HL2 From Steam
Error Appears...
oh i put an "a" where "er" and "o" is , that is totally technical slang

how hard is it to understand, the infamous gameinfo isnt detected when i launch mod?
It works if you copy gameinfo like Bilko suggested, and also if you setup Hammer to use a custom install script (click the Expert button and follow this).
What i did when i got this error is make sure that i ran the "create a mod" section, followed it thru too the end (create my own mod dir) then pointed hammer to this new dir and it worked like a charm.
i read you had to start HL2 after the patch before the SDK would work right.. not sure if this is related but thought i'd mention it
ive posted, my config , screen shot of dir,hammer & cmd error

see anything?
I even have this errror when I want to start half-life 2 single player.

Gameinfo.txt doesn't exist in hl2dm...

This is getting silly...
Valve needs a new Q&A urgent !!!! :frown:
The way I fixed it to allow me to work with HL2 content is to create a new mod then include both the base and the HL2 fgd's. I figure I'll probably have to add another fgd anyway for new entities if I make them so this seems like a good way to work.
Problem solved!

Hey search the file name Gameinfo.txt in the installed folder , copy it and paste it in the hl2 folder in installed directory.. Done!:thumbs: