Please Help with Countdown timer...and...


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey All....

I so hope you can help me with a few questions:

1) Is there a tutorial anywhere, where i can add a timer on the screen. IE a 3minutes countdown timer, Or does anyone know how i can do this?

I need the player to have a time limit or 3mins or 5mins to do something. i want the timer to be shown on the Screen or something.

2) I want to make the player be attached to a Chain...Anyone know how i can do this? Prob not possible.
Have player trigger something witch triggers something else after a 600 second delay.

getting that to show onscreen is a bit more troublesome.

Players can be attached to stuff although parenting or constraining a player is usually a bad idea since it is very buggy.

Maybe you can fake it with a rope and some clip brushes or something. :S
so you cant add a timer on the screen to show a countdown?

also with the rope thing....Yea thats cool. Do u know any tutorials i could use for this? i mean i could use brushes as the actual object attached to the player and a rope leadin from it.
I guess you can, but'd it would hardly be worth the effort.

The timer is because of something happening rihgt. So show that instead.

As for the rope, parent one thingy to player and the other to object and just block the player motion with clip brushes.
i was thinking clip brushes...but hmmm.

i tryed to parent the rope to the player, but didnt work dam. things dont seem to stick to the player.

with the Timer...

Well yes i want a timer to show on the screen.....If this cant be done,

Then is there a tutorial on how to add a PROP clock which i could hang on a wall in the game which acts like a countdown? and then i can use triggers to when its time up?

ie a traditional clock/digital clock?

im a good mapper...but still need training on scripting. an tutorials on this?
Hmm.. for the clock I dont really know... I was more thinking something like a fire drawing closer or whatever... As for the parenting of the rope, have you tried a logic_measuremovement (or whatever they are called)
For the clock you can use a logic_relay and a couple of game_texts.

Make six game_texts and name them game_text1 to game_text6, now in the text field in them, put in:

game_text1 = 10 Seconds left!
game_text1 = 5 Seconds left!
game_text1 = 4 Seconds left!
game_text1 = 3 Seconds left!
game_text1 = 2 Seconds left!
game_text1 = 1 Seconds left!

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in, on trigger game_text1 - display. Put the delay to 10 seconds

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in on trigger game_text2 - display. Put the delay to 15 seconds

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in on trigger game_text3 - display. Put the delay to 16 seconds

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in on trigger game_text4 - display. Put the delay to 17 seconds

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in on trigger game_text5 - display. Put the delay to 18 seconds

In the ouputs of the logic_relay click add and put in on trigger game_text6 - display. Put the delay to 19 seconds

Then use a logic_auto and in the outputs click add and onmapspawn logic_relay - trigger.

That should work, you're not going to get a proper timer though but with this method you can tell the player they have 5 minutes left, then 4 minutes, etc etc until you get to 30 seconds then you can countdown from there.