Please step into the testing chamber Gordon...

holy shit numbre 6 does looks like a level on hl,the previous one before entering xen
The actual experiment is actually quite similar... bombarding a sample of material with lots of energy
Lawrence livermore is a really cool place, I hope they succeed in this. And most of these labs really do look like Half life (more so than any of those pictures), it's some crazy shit. I need to start taking the camera with me more often.

Oh shit Arnie is there!

He planning on going back in time!
I was wondering why they're all wearing red ties
Not again... not another Black Mesa.
is official them

halflife movie will be real life and will star arnold swarchzenegger
The Gordon Freeman lookalike from the LHC, needs to get there asap. He already has a crowbar and headcrabs, so he should be all set.
Good news, I figured out what that thing you just incinerated is...
